Maintaining continuous feedback from students and social stakeholders is one of the key elements of quality assurance, in accordance with the Procedure for Stakeholder Feedback Management at KK the institution conducts periodic surveys of students, employees, graduates and employers.
Students can express their opinion about the quality of the course (module) and its teaching by logging into the study management system and evaluating the study conditions, the benefits of professional practice, and the quality of the study programme by participating in periodically organised targeted surveys.
The opinions of graduates and employers are important in assessing the professional readiness of KK graduates and in planning directions for the improvement of the study programmes.
The summarised results of student, alumni and employer surveys are published on the websites of KK and the KK faculties.
Based on the feedback results, further planning and improvement of KK activities (studies, applied research, material base, etc.) are planned. Regular information is provided on what has been done in response to the surveys’ observations and on aspects to be improved.
Feedback in faculties
Faculty of Business
Applied Communication
Culture and Leisure Management
International Business
Office administration
Sales and Marketing
Sports Management
Tourism and Hotel Management
Faculty of Medicine
Emergency medical aid
Dental Technology
- 2019-2020 autumn (students‘ survey on the quality of the content and teaching of study courses)
- 2019-2020 spring (students‘ survey on the quality of the content and teaching of study courses)
- 2020-2021 autumn (students‘ survey on the quality of the content and teaching of study courses)
- 2018-2019 spring (students‘ survey on the quality of professional internships)
- 2019-2020 autumn (students‘ survey on the quality of professional internships)
- 2020-2021 autumn (students‘ survey on the quality of professional internships)
- 2021-2022 spring (students‘ survey on the quality of the content and teaching of study courses)
- 2022-2023 spring (students‘ survey on the quality of the content and teaching of study courses)
- 2021-2022 autumn (students‘ survey on the quality of the content and teaching of study courses)
- 2021-2022 spring (students‘ survey on the quality of the content and teaching of study courses)
- 2022-2023 spring (students‘ survey on the quality of the content and teaching of study courses)
- 2023-2024 autumn (students‘ survey on the quality of the content and teaching of study courses)
Odontological Care
Oral Hygiene
Occupational Therapy
- 2021-2022 autumn (students‘ survey on the quality of the content and teaching of study courses)
- 2021-2022 spring (students‘ survey on the quality of the content and teaching of study courses)
- 2022-2023 spring (students‘ survey on the quality of the content and teaching of study courses)
- 2023-2024 autumn (students‘ survey on the quality of the content and teaching of study courses)
Biomedical diagnostics
Pharmacy techniques
Faculty of Arts and Education
Business English
English for Public Relations
Image Design
Pre-School and Pre-Primary Education
Fashion Design
Business English
English for Public Relations
Faculty of Technologies
Advertising Technologies
Graphic and Digital Media
Multimedia Technology
Agribusiness Technologies
Gastronomy and Catering Organisation
Food Technology and Food Safety and Quality
Automation and Robotics
Furniture Manufacturing Technologies
Industrial Design Engineering
Smart Systems / Digital Electronics
You said, we did!
<b>You said, we did!</b>
You said:
General surveys do not allow to assess the quality of teaching of individual academic staff members.
We did:
Since 2020, KK has introduced the assessment of the teaching quality of a study course/module at the institutional level in the Study Management System, replacing the previously decentralised surveys of this type. Students of all study programmes have the opportunity to express their views on the quality of teaching in each course/module.
You said:
Remember to take breaks when conducting remote studies.
We did:
2 January 2020 by order of KK director no. 1-4 “On September 5, 2018 order no. 1-304 “ The Principles of Compiling and Changing Study Schedules” approved the time of KK study sessions, which provides for breaks between lectures.
You said:
Some lecturers lack interactive teaching methods.
We did:
Lecturers receive annual training to improve the quality of their teaching. Expanded training topics to include didactic aspects such as “Introductory training for the new lecturers of KK “, “Interactive tools for student assessment and remote teamwork”, “Higher education didactics”, “Learning in virtual environments. Adobe Connect System”; “Effective Presentation and Presentation Management”; etc.
The proportion of students disagreeing with the survey statement “Lecturers used a variety of teaching methods to activate my participation in the lecture” has dropped by almost 5% in two years, from 12.4% to 7.6%.
You said:
All lecturers should upload lecture information to the virtual learning environment Moodle.
We did:
23 December 2019 The Academic Council has approved The Procedure for The Organisation of Remote Learning in KK. According to the Procedure, all study courses/modules must comply with the first level of remote learning, i.e. the study course/module is designed for students to work independently in a virtual learning environment.
You said:
Students lack access to e-books: there is a lack of digital textbooks in the Lithuanian language, and there could be more digital books in pdf format.
We did:
We considered the situation, and a significant increase in the number of Lithuanian e-books has been subscribed for 2021. However, not all Lithuanian books are published online. Many textbooks in the Lithuanian language are not available in e-format and cannot be made available in e-format. Due to copyright protection, it is impossible to scan the library’s print books and make them available in e-format.
You said:
Students lack information on how to use the e-library, access databases, etc.
We did:
Information about e-resources and their access is regularly provided on the library’s website, in the KK Moodle course “Academic Literacy”, in YouTube tutorial videos, in social networking sites Facebook and Instagram, and emails sent to all KK students. The library provides a wide range of interactive and traditional training on finding and using information sources, and students receive group and individual guidance. Information on e-resources and access is also provided in courses or modules. It would take minimal effort for students to find out about e-resources and their access, as information is provided through all possible communication channels and in a variety of formats.
You said:
There are no sports activities in the evening.
We did:
From the 2019 to 2020 autumn semester, the afternoon sports conditions with the coach supervision (Monday – Friday until 8 pm) were created. There were a group and individual sessions. From 2021-2022, students who are unable to join sports during working hours are offered the “Move Healthy” workouts, organised on the initiative of the Public Health Centre, which take place in KK Gym. Sports teams (basketball, football, volleyball, table tennis) training take place in the evening.
You said:
Students need employment support.
We did:
Internship and job offers are disseminated on the Career Centre Facebook account. Career Days are annually organised in November. Seminars on job search, networking, time planning, entrepreneurship education and similar topics are organised. Career counselling services are provided.
You said:
Parking lots are untidy, bumpy, lack parking places.
We did:
In 2019 the parking lot at Pramonės av. was renovated at KK expense: the area of the parking lot was expanded, paved, and parking lines were marked.
There is no possibility to increase the number of parking spaces in the Old Town; however, the students are recommended to choose another means of transport.
You said:
Dormitories need renovation.
We did:
A dormitory renovation plan has been made. According to the plan, the dormitories, the living and other premises will be renovated. The renovation of dormitory No. 4 (Kalniečių Street) will be started in 2021.
You said:
Dormitories need renovation.
We did:
A dormitory renovation plan has been made. According to the plan, the dormitories, the living and other premises will be renovated. The renovation of dormitory No. 4 (Kalniečių Street) will be started in 2021.
You said:
Lack of lounge areas in Muitinės st., Puodžių st. buildings and in the Department of Design, etc.
We did:
Two small lounge areas of 26 m2 on the second floor and 24 m2 on the third floor were established in Muitinės st. 15. The building in Puodžių st. 11 offers wide corridors and niches at the ends of the corridors where lounge areas were established. There is no possibility to expand the lounge areas inside the buildings as this would have to be done at the expense of the learning spaces.
To improve the conditions for students’ studies and rest, we concentrate on the training of students of the Faculty of Medicine in K. Petrauskas St. For this purpose, a project application on the development of, KK Faculty of Medicine campus is being prepared.
Unfortunately, this cannot be done due to the lack of space in the Design Department located in A. Mackevičiaus St.60.
<b>You said, we did!</b>
You said:
We would like to have an opportunity to learn foreign languages additionally; more first foreign language studies, not only in the first academic year.
We did:
We funded and facilitated free of charge English language training at the C1 level and Russian language training at the A1/A2 level in 2020-2021. 105 students from the Faculty of Business took advantage of this opportunity. We have included at least 9 credits of a first foreign language in the study programmes, which are distributed consistently over the study years.
You said:
We enjoy spending time in the courtyard, and we would like to have more places to sit and relax and a more pleasant environment.
We did:
We have renovated the courtyard of the building at 20 Pramonės Ave. with new outdoor furniture and created spaces for relaxing and socialising.
You said:
Invite foreign lecturers.
We did:
We communicate with foreign higher education institutions and business enterprises, and in the last two years, 47 foreign academics gave lectures to our students.
We submitted 10 applications for funding foreign guest lecturers in 2021. The state has funded 5, and we will support the visits of the other 5 lecturers from KK funds.
We have planned lectures given by foreign academics in all study programmes implemented in the Faculty.
You said:
More practical sessions with company representatives, their lectures, and examples of real work in business.
We did:
From 2021 onwards, to strengthen students’ professional readiness and integration into the labour market, at least twice a semester, we organise open lectures/lecture series given by famous people, representatives of business/the public sector for each academic group. They are integrated into the study courses/modules.
For each academic group, at least once a semester, we organise students’ visits to business/public sector organisations, law enforcement institutions (except during the quarantine period when these activities were restricted).
You said:
Consider students’ remarks. If students repeatedly notice and complain about, let us say, inappropriate behaviour of a lecturer, take action to replace him/her.
We did:
In response to repeated and substantiated complaints made by students for several years, we terminated the employment of four lecturers in 2020-2021. Since 1 September 2021, we will not conclude employment contracts with the lecturers who do not consider the justified remarks made by students in their surveys about the quality of teaching a course/module for three consecutive years.
You said:
Additional seminars are needed for first-year students on the qualitative requirements for academic papers.
We did:
We thank our students for their willingness to improve the quality of their papers. In early September 2021, we plan to organise a workshop on “How to format academic papers at the Faculty of Business correctly”.
You said:
More focus is needed on specialised accounting software (the suite of specialised accounting software used in the market) and practice with it. It is what will be required in today’s workplace that is the most relevant.
We did:
In the Committees of the Study Fields of the Accounting and Finance, we have analysed the number of accounting software programmes used in the studies of Accounting and Finance and assessed their timeliness and relevance to the qualification requirements for accounting and finance professionals. Considering the need for IT tools used in the study process, we purchased the STEKO ALGA software used in the module Business Organisation and Taxes and the course unit Internship of Business Organisation and Accounting. We updated the FINVALDA software. To improve students’ skills of using software programmes, since 1 September 2020, the practical classes of the course units Fundamentals of Accounting, Financial Accounting 1,2, Management Accounting, as well as the components of the modules Fundamentals of Accounting and Financial Accounting 1,2 are organised in computer rooms. Starting from the spring semester of 2021, we have integrated the innovative cloud-based accounting software into the studies of the study programme Accounting.
You said:
Review and amend the content of study programmes as some course units overlap.
We did:
We analysed and took specific decisions regarding the duplication of the topics defined in the study programme of Logistics in other modules and (or) their components.
We reviewed and revised the content of the study programme of Logistics with stakeholders and members of the Study Field Committee.
You said:
To improve communication between the lecturers teaching the module.
We did:
To facilitate the communication of lecturers in modular studies, we organise meetings of module coordinators and lecturers at least 1 week before the start of the module. In these meetings, organisational issues related to the delivery of the module, assessment, student teamwork and so on are discussed; in 30% of study modules, we have changed the lecturers coordinating them.
You said:
In the Finance Study Programme, to start the in-house internship earlier as there is not enough time to prepare an integrated project.
We did:
We have analysed the curriculum and the timing for internships and have adjusted the start of the Business Organisation and Financial Analysis placement from the 11th week of the spring semester.
You said:
Lecture logins should be sent 1-3 days before the lecture, not a few minutes before the class.
We did:
We have decided to use the following methods for logging in to lectures:
1. Send login links to students’ institutional mailboxes at least 1-2 days before the scheduled lecture and post it in the Moodle classroom of the module/course unit (it can be the same login link or a different one in each case).
2. Use one login link for the whole semester/module, which is announced in the Moodle classroom of the module/course unit.
You said:
After reporting on the study achievements, it would be possible to see your work, how it was assessed and what mistakes were made.
We did:
We have agreed that lecturers will provide students with a summary of the mistakes after each reporting, discuss the assignment by commenting on the correct answer, and point out individual student mistakes in the VLE classes.
You said:
Improve access to e-books.
We did:
- All teaching materials are available in e-format in the KK e-repository. They can be accessed via the Library Catalogue or the Virtual Library.
- We subscribe to the books required by KK students in the Lithuanian language, provided they are published in e-format (e.g., KTU, VGTU, KU, KVK, Vitae Litera e-books).
- We subscribe to 200,000 e-books on various topics in the EBSCO e-book database.
- Open access e-books (MRU, etc.) are described and accessed via the Library Catalogue and the Virtual Library.
- Detailed information on how to access e-books is available at
- Ways of e-book access are disseminated via the Library website, Facebook, Youtube, emails, Library training.
You said:
For independent work assignments, do not form large groups. In the third year, the integrated independent work should be carried out on an individual basis rather than in groups.
We did:
We have developed and published a methodological aid, “Methodological guidelines for organising and assessing teamwork”, for the academic staff and students. We agreed that lecturers would set a maximum of 5 students to work in teams (groups). From the autumn semester 2023, we have reduced the number of members in integrated independent work groups in some modules, and in the third year we have included some individual independent work assignments.
You said:
Remember to take breaks, no matter whether the studies are organised at home or at college.
We did:
We have agreed that lecturers will organise breaks at times scheduled in the timetable.
You said:
Clarify the wording of independent work assignments, explain them coherently and provide examples.
We did:
To analyse and recommend improvements to the descriptions of independent work assignments, we have set up a working group. For teachers, we organised a workshop on the dissemination of good practice. Independent work assignments are reviewed and adjusted as needed before the course/module begins. Examples of study assignments are provided in the VLE class Information for Your Studies.
You said:
Improve the quality of internships:
• compile and offer a list of internship placements;
• help students find internship placements that are relevant to their field of study;
• establish links with companies/enterprises to facilitate the search for internship placements and potential integration into the company;
• more actively mediate between students and employers.
We did:
We have set up placement classrooms in the VLE and keep them up to date with relevant information and methodological materials. We have approved the processes for organising student internships by foreseeing coordination of the preparation for, release to and delivery of internships, assessing internships, providing feedback and improving the organisation of internships. We keep our internship database up to date and regularly inform students about internship opportunities. We organise information seminars for students to discuss the aims of the internship, recommended activities, information relevant to the placement report, work ethics and other important issues. We have developed plans for professional practice visits to companies/institutions and consistently monitor placements by collecting feedback from placement mentors, visiting placement sites and communicating remotely. We conduct surveys of mentors at internship sites. We regularly update the internship assignments, the assessment system and the internship methodology guidelines.
You said:
Improve the process of developing professional bachelor theses.
We did:
We organise meetings with students/groups of students working on their theses at least twice a semester. We regularly update the relevant information in the VMA Moodle classroom “Final Thesis”. Thesis supervisors are advised to organise introductory/joint consultations for the students supervised, inform them about the process of developing a thesis, its stages, possibilities to use the help of consultants and other issues. We organise a seminar How to manage excitement and speak persuasively during a thesis presentation for final year students, as well as individual consultations on research methodology, the culture of the Lithuanian language, and writing the Summary in English.
You said:
Break up the time of the theoretical lectures, because it is really difficult to sit for 4 hours and be involved in the theory.
We did:
Theoretical lectures are scheduled for 2 academic hours, in exceptional cases 3 academic hours.
You said:
Spend more time working with and analysing CRM systems.
We did:
We have agreed that for the component Customer Relationship Management and Customer Management IT Systems in the study module Customer Relationship Management, 3 CRM demo versions with two practical assignments to analyse each of them will be used.
You said:
To check whether all students in the group are putting the same amount of effort into the integrated project.
We did:
We have developed Methodological guidelines for the organisation and assessment of student teamwork. These guidelines enable lecturers to integrate the assessment of student team members into the assessment process of integrated independent work/projects.
You said:
Allow students on the Applied Communication Studies programme to express their creativity more freely and flexibly. Lecturers could include more interesting games or other activities in their syllabus in order to stimulate creativity.
We did:
We organise Design Thinking workshops and Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP) on creativity as part of the Creativity Expression module.
You said:
Unclear and confusing study plan, which makes it difficult to understand what subjects/modules are being taught and when placements, exams, etc. are scheduled.
We did:
We have adjusted the VLE class Information for your studies, where a new format of study plans for each academic group for the current academic year was added. We have prepared study plans based on the calendar, which indicate which subject/module will be taught at a given time, when exams/retakings are due, etc. We update our classes before each academic year.
<b>You said, we did!</b>
You said:
Provide lounges in the Faculty for students and spaces for self-study.
We did:
On the 2nd and 3rd floors at 15 Muitinės St., students are provided with rest areas and a self-study room.
At 11 Puodžių St., students have a lounge area with couches refurbished.
You said:
Upgrade study equipment, laboratories, and facilities.
We did:
Practical training classrooms and laboratories have been renovated, and modern teaching equipment and tools have been purchased.
Radiography and Radiological Anatomy Room has been set up at 15 Muitinės St., and a new Chemistry Laboratory has been built at 20 Pramonės Ave. for the students of the study programme of Pharmacotechnics for practical training and the final theses research.
The Simulation Room has been equipped for nursing and midwifery studies.
An additional heating and air-conditioning project for the premises on the 2nd and 3rd floor at 11 Puodžių St. was completed.
You said:
Provide information on scheduled examinations, written papers, etc., as early as possible.
We did:
We have agreed with the lecturers that during the first class of the studies of a course unit, students will be provided with all the information about the assignments they will have to complete, the deadlines and the dates of the interim assessments. It is recommended that this information is made available in the course Moodle Classroom. The lecturers are also advised to make a course calendar, which includes information on the topics to be taught on a given day, accounting, and other activities.
You said:
Suggestion to revise the structure of internship diaries.
We did:
The internship diaries of all study programmes have been revised, and their structure and content adjusted.
You said:
Review study programmes and the content of course units. Some topics could be taught more broadly, some overlap in several course units. General courses could be more closely linked to the specialisation studied.
We did:
The study plans have been discussed in the departments and Study Field Committees, and the content of course units has been reviewed. Adjustments have been made to all study plans, and specific decisions have been made on overlapping topics in the study programmes. The possibility of adapting the course content to the particular study programme was discussed with the lecturers of the general courses.
You said:
Improve lecturers’ competencies in IT, teaching, and organising online assessment.
We did:
A Moodle Classroom has been created, which provides the academic staff with methodological materials, guidelines and information related to organising distance learning. Training sessions were organised for lecturers on distance working tools and their use (Google Hangouts Meet, Moodle, YouTube, BigBlueButton, Google Forms, Messenger, Adobe Connect, FlashBack Express, Google Drive, etc.); on how to create tests in the virtual learning environment Moodle and use mobile applications in the study process, etc. The Faculty employs an information system coordinator who provides consultations to lecturers, conducts training on using in the Moodle environment and organising distance studies.
You said:
Improve the didactic competencies of the academic staff and those of communicating with students.
We did:
Annually, training on didactics, consultations, and seminars on assessing learning achievements, preparation of course descriptions, assessment criteria and other issues related to teaching are organised for the academic staff. Workshops and consultations on setting boundaries in relationships and stress management have also been organised.
You said:
Improve the communication between the lecturers teaching the same course and the compliance of topics, theoretical and practical classes.
We did:
We have agreed with the academic staff that several lecturers teaching the same course will review and discuss the topics taught and prepare a calendar plan for teaching them. Methodological counselling on the principles of organising self-study, examining while teaching joint study courses, and assessing study achievements was organised for the academic staff.
You said:
It is suggested that the login links are provided to the class at least 1-2 days in advance, rather than a few minutes before the beginning.
We did:
We have agreed that the academic staff will provide links to online classes in the Moodle classroom of the course. Additionally, it is recommended to invite students to the online lecture via email addresses ending in The academic staff are advised to create a separate login link for each class.
You said:
It is proposed to make it compulsory to activate the video cameras, especially during accountings. This would encourage students to be more involved in the discussion and help them concentrate. During accountings, this would help ensure academic integrity.
We did:
In January 2021, we revised the Rules for ensuring data security when organising distance learning at KK with the following provisions:
- During the accounting for the course (interim assessment, examination, self-study assignments, presentation of practical tasks, etc.) or during the defence of final theses, projects, upon the lecturer’s request, the student is obliged to activate the video camera and (or) audio equipment for identification purposes.
- During practical sessions, tutorials, interim and final assessments, presentation of practical assignments, self-study, the student must ensure that his/her device has a good quality video/audio connection. If, for objective reasons, the student is unable to ensure a quality video and (or audio) connection during a remote session, he/she must inform the lecturer (before the session starts or as soon as possible if the connection is affected during the remote session).
You said:
Take breaks during classes, both while learning remotely and at college.
We did:
We have agreed that the academic staff will take breaks during the class, the duration of which will depend on the number of academic hours allocated to the session. The minimum time of a break is 10 minutes.
You said:
Provide timely and more detailed feedback on the tasks fulfilled.
We did:
We have agreed that after each interim assessment, the academic staff of the Faculty will organise meetings with all students to provide general feedback on the assignments submitted (what the main errors are, how the assignment should have been completed, etc.). The lecturer will provide personalised feedback to the student by writing comments in Moodle, email, or during an individual conversation/consultation.
<b>You said, we did!</b>
You said:
Allow more time for remote studies organisation.
We did:
In response to your opinion and considering the fact that under normal conditions (after the lifting of the quarantine in the country) studies in the field of pedagogy cannot be carried out only remotely and in accordance with the qualitative requirements for the study programme and the desired study outcomes, the study hours for the academic year 2021-2022 were planned in a blended way: one week of the session – contact work, the following week of the session – remote work.
You said:
Improve the conditions for studies.
We did:
The Department of Education has moved to new premises in Pramonės av. 22, Kaunas. The new premises have more spacious classrooms, air conditioning; easy and quick access to KK library, 2 canteens and attractive spaces for relaxation. By moving the Department of Education to the new premises, the working conditions of the lecturers have also been improved.
You said:
Shorten the duration of pedagogical internships and provide more information at the start of internships.
We did:
According to the regulations governing the training of Lithuanian pedagogues and the KK study procedure, the duration of the internship could not be shortened. Nevertheless, the Head of the Department of Education, a lecturer of pre-school and pre-primary pedagogy, was invited to participate in the instructing for pedagogical internship together with the supervisors of the internship supervisors (tutors). From now on during the instructing all the tasks to be performed during the internships are detailed and the forgotten theoretical aspects of pre-school and pre-primary education are discussed. In addition, individual consultations with the Head of the Department of Education regarding all aspects of the internship and the implementation of the tasks are available.
You said:
Part-time students working in pre-school education institutions have no need for a pedagogical internship.
We did:
To clarify, pedagogical work in an educational institution cannot be equated with pedagogical interniship as many students work as teaching assistants rather than teachers. Pedagogical internships require the student to achieve specific learning outcomes, combine theoretical knowledge with practical experience, and be monitored and evaluated by a tutor or a mentor, and by the student themselves.
Nevertheless, in response to the requests expressed and considering the situation in the labour market, students working in pre-school educational institutions, with the consent of the Head of the pre-school educational institution, and with the appointment of a tutor, are allowed to complete their internships at their place of work (including those outside the list of base institutions of the Department of Education).
You said:
Change the lecturer of the study programme.
We did:
In response to students’ complaints regarding the quality of teaching, we cancelled the services of a visiting lecturer for 2021-2022.
You said:
The study course is taught in an uninteresting, formal way.
We did:
In response to students’ complaints regarding the quality of teaching, we invited trainee lecturers, who have completed their professional internships outside of an educational institution, to teach.
You said:
Final thesis photo shoots are expensive because of the need to hire professional photographers, so the outcome of the final thesis depends on the financial resources available.
We did:
The final thesis is photographed by the students of study programme of Photography in coordination with the lecturers of said study programme.
You said:
In the autumn semester, it is too cold in the classrooms prior to central heating being turned on.
We did:
Electric heaters were purchased.
You said:
The material base for the study programme is unsatisfactory.
We did:
The material base was expanded to include: five cameras, two camera lenses, camera-mounted flashes, bags for storing and carrying the equipment, backdrops and their chain mounts, a tripod, a mobile backdrop holder, media cards and camera chargers.
You said:
Change the lecturer of the study programme.
We did:
In response to students’ complaints regarding the quality of teaching, we cancelled the services of a visiting lecturer for 2019-2020 and invited a substitute lecturer instead.
You said:
There is insufficient choice of make-up products necessary for the lecture assignments available.
We did:
Make-up products needed for lectures are constantly replenished and updated.
You said:
Tools and resources to perform the tasks of the subjects taught are insufficient.
We did:
The tools and resources needed for lectures are constantly replenished and updated.
You said:
More guest lecturers from outside the university are needed in order to gain insight into the applicability of the subject learned in practice.
We did:
Training and lectures with practising professionals of their respective fields were organised.
You said:
Change the lecturer of the study programme.
We did:
In response to students’ complaints regarding the quality of teaching and the content of lectures, we cancelled the services of a visiting lecturer for 2019-2020 and invited a substitute lecturer instead.
You said:
There is a lack of frames and hanging systems for exhibiting works created during the studies.
We did:
A4 frames and hanging systems were purchased.
You said:
The auditorium lacks power sockets.
We did:
Additional extension cords were purchased.
You said:
The printing of final theses is financed by personal funds, even though the Faculty retains them in its archives.
We did:
The Faculty covers the printing costs of the best final theses, which are retained in its archives. Frames of 50×90 cm were also purchased for displaying the final theses. The frames are transported to and from the exhibition sites. Additionally, easels from the Faculty’s material base are made available for the exhibition of the final theses.
You said:
The process book which must be produced in accordance with the study course guidelines is costly as it must be filled with clippings from the journals to be purchased.
We did:
KK Library donated two large boxes of out-of-print journals for the use of the students.
You said:
There are no DVD players available on personal computers therefore it is not possible to view the video library which is essential for the tasks of the study programme.
We did:
A film screening event was held at the premises of the Faculty.
You said:
There are scheduling issues preventing students from clearing existing study debts and not accruing new ones.
We did:
Individual timetables for completing task (a detailed plan for each stage) and accepting completed tasks is available.
You said:
Establish an individual lecture schedule and a timetable for the final thesis.
We did:
Individual lecture schedule and timetable for the final thesis were established.
You said:
There is no possibility to carry out assignments that require mannequins as the studies are remote.
We did:
Borrowing mannequins during remote learning is possible.
You said:
There are no cameras for self-study homework assignments.
We did:
Borrowing cameras for self-study homework assignments is possible.
You said:
Due to the pandemic and the quarantine, it is not possible to complete the final thesis and defend it during the spring semester of the academic year 2019 – 2020.
We did:
Final thesis completion and defence in the autumn semester of the academic year 2020 – 2021 is permitted.
You said:
Finding models for final examination photoshoots is not possible.
We did:
Cooperation with two model agencies has started.
You said:
There are difficulties in preparing digital poster presentations.
We did:
Training for poster presentations was organised.
You said:
Those who completed the external internship did not want to miss the theoretical part of the internal internship, which is essential for the final thesis, and therefore asked for access to said theoretical part and counselling.
We did:
Individual consultation schedules were arranged and theoretical material in video format was presented.
You said:
There are difficulties to combine study and work.
We did:
1. Free lecture schedule.
2. We have made it possible to carry out individual course works in coordination with the lecturer.
3. Lectures are delivered in a mixed and/or hybrid format.
4. We have made it possible to consult individually.
5. We have made it possible to choose the location of placements and, exceptionally, to change the timing of placements.
6. We have made it possible to carry out on-the-job training in different institutions in different regions of the country.
7. In consultation with the Study Department, we are looking into the possibility of preparing lecture and exam timetables for part-time students earlier than foreseen in the Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution Study Procedure.
8. Practices, briefings and discussions, and individual consultations in the preparation of the Bachelor Thesis are carried out after working hours, at the students’ convenience, remotely.
9. Meetings are organised between the administration and lecturers and students’ academic groups to listen to their expectations and make joint decisions on more flexible study arrangements.
10. Facilities for students living and working abroad: hybrid or mixed learning, remote tutorials and lectures, individual study schedules.
11. Students of the Pre-school and pre-primary education study programme can change their study form
<b>You said, we did!</b>
You said:
More focus on internships.
We did:
We have updated the study plans as well as the titles and content of internships.
We have prepared a description of the procedure for organizing student internships at the Faculty of Technology (approved by the Order of the Dean of the Faculty of Technology No. T-19 of 26 August 2020).
At the faculty level, we have started conducting student surveys on the quality of the organization of the final internship.
Since 2020-2021 meetings with practice supervisors have been held.
We are developing an information system for internships.
You said:
Lecturers do not use new methods of teaching and presenting information.
We did:
We have recommended our lecturers to plan the development of didactic competencies. During the last two years, 2/3 of the faculty lecturers have improved their didactic competencies. They participated in different training courses such as: Higher School Didactics, Application of Mobile Applications in the Study Process, Effective Presentation and Audience Management, and Hybrid Teaching Design.
We conduct introductory training for new lecturers.
You said:
Unclear, biased evaluation system.
We did:
We initiated training for lecturers on the assessment of learning achievements, Assessment of Students as a Learning Process led by Dr. Eglė Staniškienė.
Lecturers were given the opportunity to participate in training, led by foreign lecturers, on providing effective feedback and evaluation of study achievements.
Individual interviews were conducted with certain lecturers about the purpose of academic achievement assessment and academic ethics.
You said:
Lecturers should be monitored from time to time and given advice on how to improve their teaching skills.
We did:
Monitoring of lectures has started at the faculty. In 2020-2021, 20 lectures were attended by supervising staff. Lecturers were provided with feedback and recommendations for improving the quality of instruction. Good practices were shared in meetings with the faculty lecturers.
You said:
Some lecturers need to be replaced.
We did:
Due to repeated students’ complaints about the quality of teaching, we terminated contracts of some lecturers in 2019-2020.
You said:
Invite foreign lecturers.
We did:
We are developing ties with foreign universities, business and industry representatives.
In the year 2019–2020, foreign lecturers taught courses for students of all study programs implemented at the faculty (except for the new study program, Industrial Design Engineering, which was launched on September 1, 2020). Lecturers from Greece, the USA, Italy, Israel, Latvia, South Africa, Finland, Germany and other countries gave lectures to the students of the faculty.
We submitted 5 applications for the funding of 2021 visits of invited lecturers from foreign countries: all applications received funding.
You said:
Communicate with students as they study to learn about existing problems that need to be addressed.
We did:
At the faculty, we started organizing regular meetings with the leaders of academic groups.
You said:
More recreation zones are needed; the building at 22 Pramonės Ave lacks a cloakroom.
We did:
We designed and installed new recreation areas in the building at Pramonės Ave. 20, and installed a cloakroom in the building at Pramonės Ave 22.
You said:
Classrooms or at least corridors should be ventilated in summer.
We did:
According to the need, in 2021 we installed air conditioners and fans in the premises of the faculty.