Reorganisation of Kaunas and Alytus Higher Education Institutions by establishing an Applied Research Centre in the Fields of Food and Healthy Lifestyle ("Foodtech and Health Innovation HUB")

Project number: 10-019-P-0004
Period: 2024 11 27 – 2025 12-31
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Project Management Unit
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Inga Stravinskienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The aim of the project is to contribute to the improvement of the quality of the Lithuanian higher education and science system, its efficiency and international competitiveness by merging Alytus Kolegija with Kaunas Kolegija, thus facilitating the improvement of the quality of college studies and scientific research and their relevance to the needs of the society and labour market in Alytus city and region.
The project envisages the establishment of an applied research centre in Alytus, the consolidation and improvement of study programmes in Kaunas and Alytus, as well as the development of new study programmes for the Alytus region. It will develop relevant non-formal education programmes, expand study resources, strengthen the competences of teaching and administrative staff, optimise administrative and research processes, and modernise the infrastructure of Alytus.
The project is expected to improve the competitiveness, quality and relevance of graduates to the needs of the regional labour market, and to provide students with better access to practical skills, which could lead to a better demand for professionals in the labour market; the gap with the current labour market requirements will be reduced and the needs of social partners and employers will be met; the comprehensive modernisation of the study infrastructure, oriented towards the needs of students, will have a positive impact on the motivation of students and employees and the attraction of applicants; and the conditions will be created for increasing international competitiveness.

Source of funding: European Union NextGenerationEU programme funds

Membership of the international higher education network BUSINET

Project number: 10-039-P-0001-46
Period: 23 02 2024 – 01 03 2026
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Department for Organisational Development
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Jolanta Valiaugienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The objectives of the Kauno kolegija Strategic Action Plan are in line with the priorities of the European Research Area, but their implementation requires institutional changes. In order to create a sustainable knowledge and innovation ecosystem at the Kauno kolegija, to achieve the quality of research and development and to increase the dissemination of scientific knowledge, it is important to create the conditions for participation in national and/or international competitive R&D/arts projects and to create an environment conducive to the international TMTEP research. This requires partnerships with higher education institutions in Europe and beyond, with which there are common interests in developing not only student and faculty mobility, but also high quality cooperation in research, knowledge transfer, organisation and process management.
The involvement of the Kauno kolegija in the BUSINET Global Higher Education Network ( would make sense, as the network has an active special interest group dedicated to the development of international research cooperation among its member higher education institutions. The group formulates priority research areas, taking into account the interests and capacities of the researchers representing the higher education institutions. In collecting and disseminating information on research in BUSINET member institutions, research teams work on specific tasks related to research leading to scientific publications. Other interest groups in BUSINET in the fields of business and entrepreneurship, tourism, ICT, STEM, law, communication, health sciences, etc. are in line with the interests of the Kauno kolegija research groups. In addition, participation in BUSINET provides suitable partners for project activities and international publicity of scientific achievements, as the network brings together about 150 higher education institutions, which are geographically well located not only in Europe but also in other countries of the world.
The project is implemented under the measure “Membership of science and associated business structures in international networks” administered by the Research Council of Lithuania.


Source of funding: Recovery and resilience-building measures under the Next Generation Lithuania plan and the state budget of the Republic of Lithuania.

Development of a gender equality plan and implementation of gender equality and equal opportunities measures to change the organisational culture of Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution

Project number: 10-040-T-0010
Period: 01 04 2024 – 30 09 2025
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Strategic Planning and Quality Management Unit
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Kristina Adomaitienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The aim of the project is to remove institutional barriers to gender equality in the working environment, to create an inclusive, gender equality and diversity-friendly organisational culture at Kauno kolegija, to increase employee satisfaction, thus improving the Kauno kolegija efficiency and contributing to the European Commission’s Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
The project will develop a Kauno kolegija Gender Equality Plan which will integrally complement the Kauno kolegija Equal Opportunities and Diversity Programme with measures to ensure gender equality, to reduce gender stereotypes, to promote gender equality and inclusion of employees, to create an organisational environment that is not conducive to violence, harassment and discrimination of all kinds, and to increase employee satisfaction, thereby improving the Kauno kolegija operational efficiency and contributing to the achievement of the United Nations’ sustainable development goals.
The project will contribute to EMEA Action 5 – Promote gender equality and inclusiveness in line with the Ljubljana Declaration.
The project is implemented within the framework of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania’s Science Development Programme Progress Measure No 12-001-01-02-01 “Strengthening Innovation Ecosystems in Science Centres”, which focuses on the implementation of the priorities of the European Research Area in order to achieve institutional change.


Source of funding: European Union NextGenerationEU programme funds

Increasing the scientific potential of Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution and improving the evaluation of scientific output by optimising the management of information relevant to researchers

Project number: 10-040-T-0007
Period: 01 03 2024 – 31 08 2025
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Unit for Applied Science and Commercialisation
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Mindaugas Samuolaitis

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The main goal of the project is to strengthen the potential of Kauno kolegija of Applied Science and Arts to achieve a systematic breakthrough in this field not only in Lithuania but also at the EU level.
The project aims to develop an information system that will help to properly systematize, analyse and evaluate information related to the development of the ecosystem of implementation and evaluation of scientific and artistic activities. The main components of this system will be the database modules of Lithuanian and EU social partners (business, public and higher education sector partners), Kauno kolegija researchers, Kauno kolegija alumni, Kauno kolegija students interested in engaging in the development of applied science and arts activities, as well as databases of scientific publications, conferences and/or exhibitions.
The information technology system under development and its integration in the implementation of the Kauno kolegija applied science and arts activities will help the institution to organise and manage in a timely manner the information necessary to optimise the work of researchers and to successfully integrate into the ecosystem of both the production and evaluation of scientific and artistic output. The project will help to manage more effectively the development of applied science, experimental development and artistic activities and commercialisation of their results in Kauno kolegija . The project is implemented within the framework of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania’s Science Development Programme Progress Measure No. 12-001-01-02-01 “Strengthening Innovation Ecosystems in Science Centres”, which focuses on the implementation of the priorities of the European Research Area in order to achieve institutional change.

Source of funding: European Union NextGenerationEU programme funds

Establishment of a comprehensive internationalisation development programme for Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution to become a European University of Applied Sciences

Project number: 10-040-T-0008
Period: 01 03 2024 – 31 08 2025
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Department for Organisational Development
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Jolanta Valiaugienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The aim of the project is to create a programme for the development of comprehensive internationalisation of Kauno kolegija in order to become a European University of Applied Sciences, thus creating a favourable environment and level playing field for international cooperation and contributing to the development of the European Higher Education Area and European Research Area.

The comprehensive internationalisation programme developed by the project will include the preparation of a five-year comprehensive internationalisation development plan for the Kauno kolegija, training at three levels (for students, academic and scientific staff and administration) at the Kauno kolegija, internships of Kauno kolegija researchers in research and innovation centres developed by foreign partners, and study visits of staff to international events in foreign countries in order to transfer best practices and to strengthen the Kauno kolegija international image.
The project will capture the experience of Finnish and other higher education institutions’ cooperation with external stakeholders, which will be used to more effectively exploit the potential of the Kauno kolegija network with social partners in outsourcing research internationally, in applying scientific advances in studies and in increasing the integration and employability of the Kauno kolegija international students.
The project is implemented within the framework of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania’s Science Development Programme Progress Measure No. 12-001-01-02-01 “Strengthening Innovation Ecosystems in Science Centres”, which focuses on the implementation of the priorities of the European Research Area in order to achieve institutional change.

Source of funding: European Union NextGenerationEU programme funds

Enhancing the career attractiveness of Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution researchers through the implementation of the ERA instruments

Project number: 10-040-T-0025
Period: 02 09 2024 – 28 02 2026
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Department for Organisational Development
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Kristina Adomaitienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The aim of the project is to strengthen the career attractiveness of Kauno kolegija lecturers – researchers by implementing the ERA instruments (by introducing the Human Resource Management Strategy (HRS4R) or its elements, the Researchers’ Career Monitoring System, the implementation of the measures for attracting and retaining researchers, strengthening the attractiveness of researchers’ careers etc.).
The project will develop the Kauno kolegija HRM strategy for a sustainable research career, based on the general principles and requirements set out in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The tools of the ERA HRS4R will be used to assess the Kauno kolegija current practices and to identify priorities for the development of researchers’ careers. The expected results of the project – the development of an HRM strategy for sustainable research careers, the development and implementation of a research career monitoring system and other measures to enhance the careers of researchers – will ensure an open and inclusive research environment, It will provide an open, transparent and merit-based system for the selection and recruitment of researchers, create a supportive working environment for researchers, develop researchers’ general/horizontal skills, monitor researchers’ performance and careers, promote international mobility and contribute to the conduct of joint research with foreign partners.
The project is implemented within the framework of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania’s Science Development Programme Progress Measure No 12-001-01-02-01 “Strengthening Innovation Ecosystems in Science Centres”, which focuses on the implementation of the priorities of the European Research Area in order to bring about institutional change.

Source of funding: European Union NextGenerationEU programme funds

Renovation of Infrastructure of Kauno kolegija HEI Academic City and Concentration of Resources

Project number: 09.1.1-CPVA-V-720-02-0002
Period: 2017 07 – 2022-07
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Project Management Unit
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Paulius Baltrušaitis

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The aim of the project is to create an attractive and competitive study environment for Lithuanian and international students and to contribute to increasing the competitiveness of the entire Kaunas region.

During the project, Pramonės ave. 20 exterior of the existing academic building, engineering networks and part of the interior will be renovated. In addition, electronic locks will be purchased and installed in the academic building, the network of which will form a common access control system. It is expected that this will create a study environment that meets the modern quality requirements, which will help to maintain the existing flows of students and will ensure the attractiveness of study services provided by Kauno kolegija HEI, and the recognition of graduates’ qualifications. In addition, the project will allow to implement the goal set in the Strategy 2020 of Kauno kolegija HEI -t o create an integrated academic campus in Pramonės ave., Kaunas, thus concentrating on the network of study buildings currently managed by the University.
The project is implemented in accordance with the European Union Funds Investment Operational Program 2014-2020 Priority 9 “Public Education and Increasing Human Resources Potential” implementation measure 09.1.1-CPVA-V-720 “Concentration, Improvement of Study Environment and Infrastructure and Development of Information Systems”.
The source of financing is the European Regional Development Fund and the state budget of the Republic of Lithuania.

Renovation of Dormitory No. 4 of Kauno kolegija HEI, Located at Kalniečių st. 126, Kaunas

Project number: 04.3.1-VIPA-T-113-02-0002
Period: 2021/03/18 – 2023/03/31
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Project Management Unit

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary:
One of the most important long-term strategic goals of the European Union and Lithuanian Energy is the efficient use of energy resources and energy. As a socially responsible organization, Kauno kolegija HEI (KUAS) purposefully strives to use its existing infrastructure as rationally and efficiently as possible. Most of the academic buildings of KUAS have already been renovated, but due to the need for significant investments and the lack of funding sources, no dormitory of KUAS has been completely renovated so far. Dormitory no. 4, located at Kalniečių st. 126, Kaunas (hereinafter – the Building), built in 1961 and it does not meet the current energy efficiency requirements – high wear and tear of the Building substantially complicates the thermal comfort of the Building. And although the heating point in the Building has been renovated, significant heat losses are experienced through the uninsulated facade walls of the Building, the attic floor and foundations, and leaky windows. The energy efficiency class of the Building is low – F. Therefore, it is appropriate to renovate (modernize) the building, improving its energy performance.
During the project, it is planned to replace the windows, insulate the exterior and basement walls, the attic floor and plinth, and clean the ventilation ducts, as well as repair the common staircases.
The aim of the project is to renovate the dormitory No. 4 of KUAS, located at Kalniečių st. 126, Kaunas and to achieve the energy efficiency class B.
Following the implementation of these measures, it is planned to achieve the energy efficiency class of the Building – B. The final energy consumption in the renovated Building is expected to decrease by approximately 40%. The building itself will meet the current energy efficiency requirements and will improve the indoor microclimate and living environment, the thermal energy savings will lead to a reduction in carbon dioxide (the gas causing the Greenhouse Effect) emissions and changes in air pollution.
The project is implemented in accordance with the 2014-2020 Operational Program for the European Union Funds Investments in Lithuania Priority 4 “Promoting Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Production and Use” under Measure 04.3.1-VIPA-T-113 “Renovation of State-Owned Buildings (II)”, and under Measure 04.3.1-FM-F-105 “Increasing Energy Efficiency in Public Infrastructure”.
The source of funding is the European Regional Development Fund and the state budget of the Republic of Lithuania.

Renovation of Academic Building of Kauno kolegija HEI, Located at Puodžių st. 11, Kaunas

Project number: 04.3.1-VIPA-T-113-02-0105
Period: 2021/03/15 – 2023/03/15
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Project Management Unit

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary:
One of the most important long-term strategic goals of the European Union and Lithuanian Energy is the efficient use of energy resources and energy. As a socially responsible organization, Kauno kolegija HEI (KUAS) purposefully strives to use its existing infrastructure as rationally and efficiently as possible. Majority of the academic buildings of KUAS have already been renovated; however, the situation remains bad in in the academic building, located at Puodžių st. 11, Kaunas (unique number of the building – 1997-6013-2012) (hereinafter – Building). The Building was built in 1976 and it does not meet the current energy efficiency requirements: high wear and tear of the Building substantially complicates the thermal comfort. The external walls, the roof and most of the windows of the Building are in poor condition, leading to a lot of heat loss. The energy efficiency class of the building is low – F. It is becoming increasingly difficult to provide comfortable conditions for students and teachers in the building.
During the project, it is planned to replace windows and doors, insulate exterior and basement walls and roof.
The aim of the project is to renovate the academic building of KUAS, located at Puodžių st. 11, Kaunas and to achieve the energy efficiency class C.
The implementation of the planned energy efficiency measures will lead to the achievement of the energy efficiency class C. It is planned that the final energy consumption of the renovated Building will decrease by approximately 48%, the Building itself will meet current energy efficiency requirements, indoor microclimate conditions and study environment, the thermal energy savings will lead to a reduction in carbon dioxide (the gas causing the Greenhouse Effect) emissions and changes in air pollution. In addition, the project will renovate the Building and create suitable study conditions for students, albeit indirectly, but will contribute to increasing the attractiveness, accessibility and internationalization of studies.
The project is implemented in accordance with the 2014-2020 Operational Program for the European Union Funds Investments in Lithuania Priority 4 “Promoting Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Production and Use” under Measure 04.3.1-VIPA-T-113 “Renovation of State-Owned Buildings (II)”, and under Measure 04.3.1-FM-F-105 “Increasing Energy Efficiency in Public Infrastructure”.
The source of funding is the European Regional Development Fund and the state budget of the Republic of Lithuania.

Digital Transformation of Education („EDTECH“)

Project number: ŠMSM-V-004-0001
Period: 2022 08 16 – 2024 06 30
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Project Management Unit

Project summary: Kauno kolegija HEI, together with 22 other higher education institutions, is a partner of the ” Digital Transformation of Education (EdTech)” project. This project is one of the Government’s priority educational works for digital development at all levels of education. The goal of the project is to promote the implementation of educational innovations based on digital technologies in the education sector, creating conditions for the development and testing of innovations in educational institutions.
Project activities in which Kauno kolegija HEI participates:
1. Digital competency training for teachers.
2. Digitalization of study subjects.
3. Acquisition of equipment for hybrid training.

Source of financing: 2021-2027 European Union funds, “New Generation Lithuania” measures for economic revitalization and resilience, and funds from the state budget of the Republic of Lithuania.

Modernization of STEAM centers

Project number: 10-061-P-0001
: 16-09-2024 – 31-05-2026
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Alytus Faculty
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Valė Zdanavičienė

Project coordinating institution: The Lithuanian Agency for non-formal Education
Project summary: Project aim: to modernize STEAM open access centers.

It aims to ensure the development of STEAM centers, responding to the regional principle of operation; to ensure favorable learning conditions for students in the centers; to increase the attractiveness of STEAM centers.


Source of Funding: European Union funds


Development of STEAM centers

Project number: 10-016-P-0001
: 01-09-2024 – 30-04-2026
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Alytus Faculty
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Valė Zdanavičienė

Project coordinating institution: The Lithuanian Agency for non-formal Education
Project summary: Project aim: to create an effectively functioning network of STEAM centers.
Main activity: to create a program for improving the competencies of students and teachers, implementing a STEAM education ecosystem, based on the networking of activated STEAM education open access centers, a strengthened STEAM school network, and empowered STEAM ambassadors (innovative teachers).

Source of Funding: European Union funds


School of Opportunities

Inforegio - Download centre for visual elements

Project number: 10-072-P-0001
: 18-12- 2024 -30-06-2027
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Alytus Faculty
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Valė Zdanavičienė

Project coordinating institution: The National Agency for Education
Project summary: The aim of this project is to strengthen the quality of education that responds to the age and needs of students.
The project activities will aim to contribute to the implementation of the 2021–2030 National Progress Plan by improving educational outcomes and reducing the gap between them, as well as responding to the trends in demand and supply in the education sector, increasing educational inclusion and ensuring modern educational content accessible to all.
The project plans to develop innovative, personalized educational content and tools to prepare national tests of student achievement in social studies and natural sciences in grades 4 and 8.

Source of Funding: European Union funds


Development of advanced neural network solutions for optimised and conceptual design of hybrid renewable energy systems

Acknowledgements | Pausch Lab

Project number: S-ITP-24-1
: 16-09-2024 – 28-08-2028
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Informatics, Engineering and Technologies
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Giedrius Blažiūnas

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija
Project summary: This project aims to develop and validate artificial intelligence (AI) tools based on neural networks for the optimal design and simulation of hybrid renewable energy systems in different geographical locations, ensuring a continuous, reliable and cost-effective energy supply. The project includes a comprehensive collection of statistical data on the potential of solar, wind, bioenergy and other renewable energy sources. Using the TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Keras platforms, the aim is to develop neural network models for conceptual design of hybrid renewable energy systems. The practical benefits of this project are crucial to efficiently and sustainably meet growing energy needs, reduce dependence on fossil fuels and contribute to climate change mitigation. The artificial intelligence tools developed, based on neural networks and mathematical models, will allow more accurate prediction and optimisation of the performance of hybrid renewable energy systems in different geographical areas. This will help engineers and energy professionals to select the most appropriate energy sources and combinations during the design process, ensuring a constant and reliable energy supply. In addition, the models and AI tools developed by the project will improve the cost-effectiveness of the energy system, reduce investment risks and operational costs, stimulate innovation and attract more investment in the renewable energy sector. Finally, the project will help the country to meet its climate change mitigation commitments, contribute to international environmental goals and strengthen the country’s position as a leader in sustainable energy. The project provides an opportunity to develop and adapt hybrid renewable energy systems for long-term use, taking into account the geographical situation, the changing needs of the energy market and the development of technology.

Source of Funding: Research Council of Lithuania funds


Lithuanian language training for Ukrainian refugees who fled the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine

The EEA and Norway Grants - ES fondi

Project number:
: 01 09 2024 – 30 04 2025
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Arts and Education, Language Centre
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Ieva Brazauskaitė-Zubavičienė

Project coordinating institution: European Social Fund Agency
Project summary: The project aims to help 70 war refugees from Ukraine to integrate more smoothly into Lithuanian society and the labour market by developing their Lithuanian language skills and socio-cultural skills. The training is organised according to the needs and abilities of the participants:
Lithuanian language training:
• Individualised training in small groups, taking into account participants’ speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.
• Literacy lessons for those who have no education or who do not know the Latin alphabet.
• Specialised training for older people, focusing on everyday communication situations.
• Family literacy sessions for parents and pre-school children, including story-telling and an introduction to the Lithuanian education system.
• Language training in the workplace (mobile classrooms), as well as in the evenings and at weekends for people working.
Socio-cultural knowledge:
• Brief overview of Lithuania’s history and global context.
• Knowledge of national and Christian holidays.
• Introduction to equal opportunities and human rights, including the rights of the LGBTQ+ community and national minorities.
• Discussion of cultural differences, highlighting Lithuanian traditions, norms and habits.
The project will provide not only linguistic but also social support to facilitate the integration of refugees into the labour market and local community.
This project not only promotes social inclusion, but also contributes to the promotion of Kaunas College as an active and innovative higher education institution.

Source of Funding: Joint Bilateral Cooperation Fund of the European Economic Area and Norway Grants


The health of economic indicators and digitisation processes in enterprises: an analysis of the European region

Trademark details

Project number: P-SV-24-6
: 01 07 2024 – 30 08 2024
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Project Management Unit
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Aistė Lastauskaitė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The aim of the project is to analyse how national economic indicators affect companies’ financial performance and how digitalisation modifies this interaction.
The project will involve an individual research project to be carried out during the student’s summer holidays under the supervision of a researcher assigned by the Institution.
The project is implemented within the framework of the Research Council of Lithuania -funded activity “Student summer internships”.

Source of Funding: Research Council of Lithuania funds


E-commerce accounting challenges and digital solutions: the case of Lithuania

Trademark details

Project number: P-SV-24-279
: 01 07 2024 – 30 08 2024
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Project Management Unit
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Jevgenija Furgasė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The aim of the project is to simulate practical situations by conducting a review of scientific literature in order to identify the main challenges of e-commerce in Lithuania and to determine how digital technologies can be applied to address these challenges based on the results of the case study.
During the project, the student will carry out a research project during the summer holidays under the supervision of a researcher assigned by the Institution.
The project is implemented within the framework of the Research Council of Lithuania -funded activity “Student summer internships”.

Source of Funding: Research Council of Lithuania funds


Preventing child injuries: a project to empower parents and educators - SAFE CHILD

Logotipai - Lietuvos Respublikos sveikatos apsaugos ministerija

Project number:
: 19 06 2024 – 01 12 2024
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Medicine
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Ligita Šilinė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The aim of the project – 1) To organise theoretical and practical training for at least 300 parents and 50 teachers from Kaunas district on the causes of injuries and accidents in primary school-age children, measures to prevent them and first aid. 2) To develop innovative methodological materials for the target group to promote healthy lifestyles and prevent injuries in children.
The activities to be carried out during the project are:
1. Dissemination of information about the “SAFE CHILD” project.
2. Theoretical distance learning on: 1) Injury prevention: protection against physical injuries. 2) The importance of children’s physical condition in injury prevention. 3) Alterations in sensory integration and their impact on children’s well-being and behaviour. 4) Creating a safe sensory environment in educational institutions. 5) Creating a safe sensory environment for home education. 6) Universal design principles in the educational environment. 7) First aid training for parents and educators. 8) Lecture on “Is food always safe?” 9) Poisoning by narcotic psychotropic substances, medicines and household chemicals. 10) Lecture on “Dangers in the environment”.
3. Practical contact training on the following topics: 1) Practical training in first aid for children. 2) Assessment of the child’s physical and functional condition with tests to prevent falls. 3) Reading food labels. 4) Practical training for parents and educators on rapid tests to detect harmful substances and bacteria and parasites in food and water that cause poisoning in children and adolescents.
4. Consultations on topics: 1) Prevention of food poisoning and nutrition in children. 2) Challenges in children’s sensory integration and practical tips for universal design.
5. Methodological tool – a booklet to promote children’s healthy lifestyles and prevent injuries.
6. Methodological tool – calendar for schools to promote children’s healthy lifestyles and prevent injuries.

Source of Funding: State Fund for Public Health Promotion


Restoration of the fence of the Kaunas Art School complex at 27 A. Mackevičiaus Street, Kaunas

Kaunas auga“ - Fabula Rud Pedersen Group

Project number:
: 01 07 2024 – 30 11 2024
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Project Management Unit
Department of Infrastructure
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Lina Kuraitienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The aim of the project is to carry out works on 10 segments of the fence on K. Šklėrio Street.
The project is implemented within the framework of the Heritage Management Programme of Kaunas Municipality.

Source of Funding: Kaunas city municipality funds.


School summer camp " Circular economy - the future of your business"

INICIATYVOS-KAUNUI-LOGO-2 | Lietuvos sporto universitetas

Project number:
: 01 07 2024 – 05 07 2024
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Business
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Ramunė Bagočiūnaitė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The project will provide a one-shift, 5-day summer camp for students (14-18 years old) from general education schools in Kaunas. Camp activities will last 8 hours per day.
The aim of the project is to develop students’ entrepreneurial competence in order to contribute to the creation of value for future professionals and for the business environment in which the students will implement their future economic, cultural or social activities.
The project is implemented within the framework of the Kaunas City Municipality programme “Initiatives for Kaunas”.

Source of Funding: Kaunas city municipality funds.


Youth Ideas Contest "reHACK"

INICIATYVOS-KAUNUI-LOGO-2 | Lietuvos sporto universitetas

Project number:
: 02 10 2024 – 11 11 2024
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Business
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Goda Kacilevičiūtė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The project aims to implement training and a hackathon-style ideas competition, where young people, with the help of mentors (professionals from different fields), will develop innovative solutions that will allow organisations to reduce the use of single-use resources, optimise reuse and contribute to a more sustainable and cleaner future. The project is expected to last two weeks.
The project will include (1) the launch of the reHack Youth Ideas Competition: a presentation of the challenges of the circular economy, a gathering of interdisciplinary teams and a brainstorming session, and (2) a three-day intensive workshop: Workshops on circular economy, sustainability and related technologies, training on creativity, innovative business development, idea generation workshops and mentoring sessions, (3) reHack closing event: presentation of ideas to the public, selection of the best ideas and a closing celebration.
Project objectives:
1. 1. To bring young people together in innovation teams, to provide them with the knowledge to create innovative businesses that solve environmental problems;
2. To contribute to the growth of Kaunas city’s leadership in the field of circular economy in Lithuania and to strengthen the image of Kaunas as a sustainable city.
The project is implemented under the Kaunas City Municipality programme “Initiatives for Kaunas”.

Source of Funding: Kaunas city municipality funds.


Adapting and opening up Kaunas College sports space for the benefit of the local community

NSA Fizinis aktyvumas - įkvėpti judėti » Nacionalinė sporto agentūra perims Sporto rėmimo fondo administravimą

Project number: NSA-SI-2024-0057
: 01 07 2024 – 30 06 2026
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Project Management Unit
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Lina Kuraitienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The aim of the project is to improve the conditions for physical activity and sports activities for different groups of the local community by renovating and adapting the Kauno kolegija sport complex at Pramonės pr. 20, Kaunas.
Project results. The redesigned interior spaces and passageways will allow free movement of persons with mobility disabilities. Changing rooms and sanitary facilities (showers, toilets) will be redesigned, renovated and adapted for people with disabilities and seniors. The gym flooring will be replaced, the floor markings renewed and the walls repainted. Replacement of the gym windows and upgrading of the heating system will ensure that the indoor temperature is adequate and in line with hygiene standards during the cold season. For the smooth running of sports activities, the sports equipment will be renewed and new sport equipment (basketball hoops, volleyball equipment) adapted for disabled people will be installed. A new sound system will ensure the smooth running and quality of new sports activities such as volleyball, badminton, Breik training for young people or line dancing for seniors, as well as basketball, volleyball and other competitions.

Source of Funding: The project is co-financed by the Sports Support Fund, administered by the National Sports Agency under the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania

Ensuring measurement data quality in mobile IoT networks

Trademark details

Project number: P-SV-24-350
: 01 07 2024 – 30 08 2024
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Project Management Unit
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Laimonas Kairiūkštis

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: During the project, the student will carry out a research project during the summer holidays on an individual basis, under the supervision of a researcher appointed by the Institution. The project will involve the measurement of environmental parameters and the search for technical and software tools to ensure the quality of measurements in remote measurements using IoT measurement tools.
The project is implemented under the Research Council of Lithuania funded activity “Student Summer Intership”.

Source of Funding: Research Council of Lithuania funds


The role of the social worker in empowering Ukrainian war refugees to seek psychosocial support

Trademark details

Project number: P-SV-24-349
: 01 07 2024 – 30 08 2024
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Project Management Unit
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Valentina Demidenko

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The aim of the project is to identify the role of the social worker in empowering Ukrainian war refugees to seek psychosocial support. A qualitative research strategy is planned, using a semi-structured interview method.
The project will involve a research project to be carried out by the student during the summer holidays under the supervision of a supervisor assigned by the Institution.
The project is implemented within the framework of the Research Council of Lithuania -funded activity “Student summer internships”.

Source of Funding: Research Council of Lithuania funds


Restoration Research Laboratory of the Academy of Arts

Trademark details

Project number: S-IRA-24-16
: 09 05 2024 – 31 12 2024
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Arts and Education
Project Management Unit

Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Eglė Aleknaitė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art study programme of the Kauno kolegija Faculty of Arts and Education, is the only one of its kind in Lithuania that aims to become an active participant in heritage conservation activities. The programme, which includes conservation and restoration of works of art, restoration of artistic furniture, conservation and restoration of metalwork, not only helps to preserve endangered cultural heritage objects, but also improves the image of the country in the context of the European Union.
It is important to create appropriate modern technical conditions for studying and working when training specialists for scientific activities, for work in public and private cultural and historical institutions, or for the establishment of individual enterprises engaged in the conservation and restoration of works of art. The acquisition of new equipment is essential for the activities of the Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art study programme. In the conservation and restoration of cultural property, it is important to determine the composition, structure and technique of the materials used.
The lack of equipment currently available limits the possibilities for scientific and artistic research: the existing equipment does not allow spectroscopic screening of organic and mineral samples (e.g. various oxides) for identification against standard spectra, nor does it allow qualitative assessment of the elemental composition of the material, which is essential for the analysis of the composition of the material and for the assessment of the state of the objects being conserved. At the same time, the existing equipment does not allow for image archiving of the samples, the creation of a database, which is important for the collection of visual material and for further scientific research
The project will provide for the acquisition of new equipment to allow for more detailed and accurate analyses.
The new equipment will help current and future professionals to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to work in scientific or cultural institutions, public and private companies. The equipment will enable detailed chemical and physical analyses, the identification and characterisation of the origin of materials, the accurate dating of works, the identification of the materials used, which will encourage the pursuit of new scientific knowledge, the development of restoration techniques or the selection of appropriate materials, and the bridging of the gap between practice and theory. The renewal and addition of such equipment will not only improve the quality of research, but will also enhance Lithuania’s image in the field of cultural heritage conservation in the context of the European Union.

Source of Funding: Research Council of Lithuania funds


Benefits (value) for organisations created by robotic process automation

Trademark details

Project number: S-ST-24-5
: 01 10 2024 – 30 04 2025
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Project Management Unit
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Inga Stravinskienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: During the project, the student and the researcher will carry out an individual research project in the autumn and spring semesters on the topic “The value created for organisations by robotic process automation” (the “Research”). The aim of the Research is to determine the benefits (value) created by robotically automated administrative processes for organisations operating in Lithuania. The study will assess how the transformation of manual (technical) administrative work into a robotically automated process has changed the performance of the organisation, i.e. what value this type of automation has created for the organisation (e.g. potential cost reductions, redirection of human resources to higher value-adding processes, etc.). The results will allow organisations to justify potential investments in back-office automation to improve the performance of the organisation. This will contribute to a more efficient management of organisations’ business processes in the context of digital transformation. The research findings will be presented and disseminated at a student scientific conference and a scientific paper will be prepared. This project research also aims to improve the students’ research competences in applied research and, at the same time, to provide the student with deeper competences in the field of process management in the context of robotic automation in the context of digital transformation.

Source of Funding: Research Council of Lithuania funds


Green Voices: the impact of green opinion leaders on promoting sustainable consumption

Trademark details

Project number: S-ST-24-6
: 01 10 2024 – 30 04 2025
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Project Management Unit
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Rasa Bartkutė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary:During the project, the student and the researcher will carry out an individual research project in the autumn and spring semesters on the topic “Green voices: the impact of green opinion leaders on the promotion of sustainable consumption”. The aim of the research is to identify the impact of green opinion leaders on the promotion of sustainable consumption in Lithuania. The research aims to contribute to the development of a scientific discourse on the impact of green opinion leaders on the promotion of sustainable consumption. The findings of the research will be presented and disseminated during a student scientific conference.

Source of Funding: Research Council of Lithuania funds


To create souvenir stained glass windows for the Faculty of Dentistry of LSMU, the Clinic of Dental and Maxillofacial Orthopaedics, and to represent them during the International Conferences of Dentists

Trademark details

Project number: S-ST-24-7
: 01 10 2024 – 30 04 2025
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Project Management Unit
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Artūras Rimkevičius

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: During the project, the student together with the researcher will carry out the research work in the autumn and spring semesters according to an individual programme and will create works of art – souvenir stained-glass windows for the Faculty of Dentistry of the LSMU, the clinic of dental and maxillo-facial orthopaedics, and to be used as a souvenir for the participants of the international conferences.

Source of Funding: Research Council of Lithuania funds


Sustainability replication, from discarded containers to object art for tourism centres, a showcase illuminated object, analysing the differences and similarities of glass in the execution process

Trademark details

Project number: S-ST-24-8
: 01 10 2024 – 30 04 2025
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Project Management Unit
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Sigita Grabliauskaitė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary:During the project, the student together with the researcher will carry out a research project in the autumn and spring semesters on an individual programme on the topic – replication of sustainability in functional art glass works, an approach from discarded containers to object art glass gifts for cafes/tourist centres, and a report exhibition decorative object – a chandelier – analyzing the similarities and differences of the glass during the process.
The research will cover theoretical facts and patterns or differences of technological experiments/tests of monitoring art glass with visual information (photos, video information) from sorting of glass containers to the transformation into a work of art with function and/or interior decorative illuminated art glass objects.

Source of Funding: Research Council of Lithuania funds


Centre for Contemporary Analogue Photography

Trademark details

Project number: S-IRA-24-37
: 07 10 2024 – 18 12 2024
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Arts and Education
Project Management Unit
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Svetlana Batura

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: During the project the necessary equipment for the new Contemporary Analogue Photography Centre (CACC) of Kauno kolegija will be purchased. The CACC will cover both artistic and creative areas, as well as research related to the nature of the final image and its use, the production methodology and the society that promotes this type of image. The completion of the new equipment available at CACC and to be acquired during the project will enable the continuation and launching of a wide range of practical artistic research involving the use of analogue photography in both experimental and classical processes, the development of new trends and scientific activities. The equipment will ensure uninterrupted on-site execution of the whole process, creating competitive conditions for Lithuanian photographers, technicians and archivists to operate in the European and global art field, to stimulate photographic change, forms of ‘resistance’, to contextualise and understand the new analogue photography.
CACC will become a modern, efficient and creative space of national significance, where artistic and scientific research of the highest quality will be conducted. This will not only push the boundaries of analogue photography, but also attract more students, researchers and artists, and foster international collaboration and innovation.

Source of Funding: Research Council of Lithuania funds


Promoting the use of artificial intelligence tools for business communication


Project number:P-SV-23-74
: 2023 07 05 – 2023 08 31
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Project Management Unit
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Rūta Draskinytė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The goal of the project is to prepare recommendations for the use of AI tools for business communication, encouraging companies to properly use AI tools. The project develops the student’s scientific research competencies.

Source of Funding: Research Council of Lithuania


Sorting electronic cigarettes: the attitude of Lithuanian youth


Project number:P-SV-23-256
: 2023 07 05 – 2023 08 31
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Project Management Unit
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Lina Kuraitienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The aim is to conduct a representative survey of the main users of e-cigarettes (Lithuanian youth aged 18-39) in order to find out how users sort e-cigarettes. cigarettes, and what measures would contribute to a more sustainable sorting of this waste. The project develops the student’s scientific research competencies.
Source of Funding: Research Council of Lithuania Development Program 2014-2020.

Promotion of the processing of agricultural products in the production of low-technologically affected meat products, using essential oils and extracts of spice plants

Project number:14PA-KK-21-1-08739-PR001
: 2022 03 01 – 2024 02 29
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Technologies
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Žydronė Žarskienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary:
The aim of the project is the development of research competencies of KUAS teachers, and regional cooperation. During the project, according to the prepared demonstration test methodology, 10 demonstration tests will be set up, the results of which will be summarized in recommendations and presented at publicity events. During the test, empirical data will be collected, so after analysing the collected material, it will be possible to justify the economic benefits of this decision and the return on investment.

The project is implemented in accordance with the activity area “Support for Demonstration Projects and Information Activities” of the measure “Knowledge Transfer and Information Activities” of the Lithuanian Rural Development Program 2014-2020.
The source of financing is the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the state budget of the Republic of Lithuania.

Application of non-waste technologies in the processing of fruit berry pomace in berry growers' farms

Project number:14PA-KK-21-1-08740-PR001
: 2022 03 01 – 2024 02 29
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Technologies
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Aušra Šimonėlienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary:
The aim of the project is the development of research competencies of KUAS teachers, and regional cooperation. During the project, according to the prepared demonstration test methodology, 10 demonstration tests will be set up, the results of which will be summarized in recommendations and presented at publicity events. During the test, empirical data will be collected, so after analysing the collected material, it will be possible to justify the economic benefits of this decision and the return on investment.

The project is implemented in accordance with the activity area “Support for Demonstration Projects and Information Activities” of the measure “Knowledge Transfer and Information Activities” of the Lithuanian Rural Development Program 2014-2020.
The source of financing is the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the state budget of the Republic of Lithuania.

Management of Lithuanian Herbaceous Feed Base Using Satellite Data and Innovations in Agricultural Science (LIPIN)

Project number: 35BV-KK-18-1-06618-PR001
: 2020/04/21 – 2023/04/10
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Technologies
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Dr. Ina Živatkauskienė

Project coordinating institution: PI Lithuanian Agricultural Advisory Service
Project partners: Kauno kolegija HEI, Truskavos ŽŪB, farmers Jonas Baublys, Gintaris Petrėnas, Tautvydas Jungevičius, Evaldas Laucevičius, UAB “Agrolina”.
Project summary: The aim of the project is to create an interactive service that would operate on the basis of an interactive database, interactive tools and public access electronic tool (interface), and help to efficiently and operatively identify the condition of farms and problems, provide problem-solving recommendations and forecast the increase of farmland productivity.
During the project, a system will be created on the basis of the use of satellite data, which will allow farmers to obtain the necessary information at minimal cost and maximum efficiency, thus reducing costs by using agrotechnical and agrochemical measures to solve grassland quality problems.
The project is implemented in accordance with the activity area “Support for the creation of EIP activity groups and development of their activities” of the measure “Cooperation” of the Lithuanian Rural Development Program 2014–2020.
The source of financing is the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the state budget of the Republic of Lithuania.

Žilvinas Landzbergas’ sculptural object "Summer Pavilion"

Project number:
: 2022 10 – 2023 06
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Žilvinas Landzbergas’ sculptural object “Summer Pavilion”
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Inga Valentinienė

Project coordinating institution: “Kaunas 2022”
Project partners:  Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The purpose of the project is to build a temporary sculptural object “Summer Pavilion” by Žilvinas Landzbergas on the territory of Pelėdų kalnas. The object is created as a sun-catching sculpture. This artistic object is also a recreational space for art school students, a place for events, meetings, various activities for city residents, the local community and guests. The “Summer Pavilion” is planned to be implemented and presented to the public during the international design festival in October.
Source of Funding – Kaunas City Municipality


Code of Urban Stories

Project number: Pr (6.3) – 3797
: 2022 08 01 – 2023 08 01
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Arts and Education
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Inga Valentinienė

Project coordinating institution: Kaunas City Municipality
Project summary: The goal is to combine the city’s history, art and modern technologies, creating a game, of which the creation process will invite you to get to know the city’s stories creatively, through your own experience. The created game will give the people of Jonava and the city’s guests the opportunity to discover the most beautiful and interesting historical places of the city. During the development of the game, local and surrounding communities will be involved in creative workshops and activities.
Source of Funding – Lithuanian Council for Culture, Jonava District Municipality


Application of Innovative Services and Technological Innovations in Wellness and SPA Service Companies in Birštonas And Druskininkai Resorts

Project number: P-ST-22-87
: 2022 10 01-2022 03 30
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Business
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Andrius Švarplys

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The goal is to assess the application of technological innovations in wellness and SPA companies in the resorts of Birštonas and Druskininkai. Project results: a study was conducted on the application of technological innovations in wellness and SPA service companies, the student’s competencies were improved.
Source of financing: Research Council of Lithuania


The Protective Base Impact on The Effectiveness of Concealing Cosmetics and Indicators of Facial Skin

Project number: P-ST-22-78
: 2022 10 01-2022 03 30
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Medicine
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Diana Barragan Ferrer

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The project aims to improve students’ scientific competence and abilities in conducting experimental research in order to provide a deeper and comprehensive preparation of young researchers for solving various problems in the field of cosmetology and skin diagnostics. Results: the study will serve as a basis for finding strategic partners with whom to continue commissioned research. The results will be presented at the student conference.
Source of financing: Research Council of Lithuania


Summer Camp for Schoolchildren "Entrepreneurship Workshop"

Project number: UD-2023-LT-1932
: 2023 06 26-30
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Business
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Ramunė Bagočiūnaitė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The goal is to develop schoolchildren’s entrepreneurial skills and creative thinking in order to create conditions for young people to develop entrepreneurial personality traits. Expected results: a group of 30 schoolchildren (aged 14-18) collected, of which at least 30% are children in a more sensitive social situation; a 5-day full-time summer camp for schoolchildren implemented according to the established agenda; at least 2 informative announcements in society, 1 promotional video are expected.
Source of financing: Kaunas city municipality


Science and Innovation in Business: Actualities and Perspectives from The Students' Point of View

Project number: –
: 2023 05 02 – 2023 12 08
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Business
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Gelmina Motiejūnė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The aim of the project is to strengthen students’ social and research skills and initiative to carry out relevant research in the fields of economics, management, communication, legal science and their dissemination. Expected results: in the plenary session and sections of the students’ international conference, Lithuanian and foreign students will give presentations, the topics of which will be discussed (the expected number of conference participants is 90). During the international forum, relevant, research-based information and business examples about the circular economy will be provided, on the basis of which the moderated discussion will ensure the generation of new perspectives, ideas for new research (the expected number of forum participants is 150).
Source of financing: The State Studies Foundation


Study on the digitisation of management accounting and development of a methodology to improve the digitisation of management accounting

Project number: –
Period: 01 12 2023 – 15 11 2024
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Business
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
dr. Vilma Kazlauskienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The aim of the project is to develop a methodology for assessing a higher education institution’s disclosure of its social responsibility and to carry out a field study of the methodology in a sample of higher education institutions.
The College, in pursuit of its mission in an era of continuous transformation, implements the objectives of sustainable development (SD) and the values and norms of social accountability (SA) in various areas of activity. The analysis and evaluation of these activities requires the SA disclosure evaluation methodology developed in the project.
The project will analyse the application of the principles of SD and SA in HEIs; justify the criteria for assessing SA disclosure; develop a methodology for assessing the SA disclosure of a Higher Education Institution (HEI); carry out a pilot study; and publicise the results.

Exploring the causes of young people's inertia in business: the case of Lithuania

Project number: –
Period: 01 12 2023 – 30 04 2025
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Business
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Dr Vilma Morkūnienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The aim of the project is to explore the causes of inertia among young people in business.
This study aims to enrich the existing knowledge on the causes of inertia. The results of the study can be used by policy makers, educators and business support organisations to develop targeted interventions and strategies to address the various drivers of inertia.

Study on the digitisation of management accounting and development of a methodology to improve the digitisation of management accounting

Project number: –
Period: 01 12 2023 – 15 11 2024
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Business
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Dr. Česlovas Christauskas

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The aim of the project is to investigate the level of use of digitised management accounting in organisations.
The methodology to be developed in the project will enable the integration of the management accounting module, which includes budgeting, investment planning, standard costing and inventory management systems, into a common resource planning system for the organisation. The methodology developed will help to increase the efficiency of the digitalisation of management accounting processes, enabling the organisation to make management decisions more quickly and usefully. The project will be continued in the context of modern standardisation of business processes and improved visibility of business data.

Success factors for students experiencing learning and psychosocial health challenges

Project number: –
Period: 01 12 2023 – 15 11 2024
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Medicine
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Dr Viktorija Piščalkienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The aim of the project is to identify the learning and psychosocial health challenges faced by students and to develop tools to overcome these challenges.
The project aims to find out what organisational and managerial initiatives are lacking in higher education institutions to enable students with learning difficulties to succeed in their studies: what factors related to learning difficulties are likely to contribute to high drop-out rates; what psychosocial health problems are most commonly encountered by students; and what challenges lecturers face in order to ensure a successful study process and to work with students with different learning needs.
A quantitative and qualitative study is planned to investigate the above mentioned aspects. Based on the results obtained and analysed, practical and methodological recommendations for lecturers working in higher education institutions will be developed in English and Lithuanian to improve the successful enrolment of students in their studies.

Experimental studies on wood-plastic composite machining tools

Project number: –
Period: 01 12 2023 – 15 11 2024
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Technology
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Dr Gintaras Keturakis

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The aim of the project is to develop a methodology for the assessment of wear of wood-plastic composite cutting tools, to investigate the influence of technological factors on their wear intensity and the effect of tool blade wear on the quality of machined surfaces.
Wood-plastic composites (WPC) are a relatively recently developed structural material made of wood fibres and thermoplastics (polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride or others). In addition to wood fibres and plastics, WPC contains ligno-cellulose, i.e. raw materials from renewable resources. Recycled plastics and industrial organic waste are used to produce WPC. As wood-plastic composites are significantly more resistant to environmental influences than solid wood, their importance will only increase. However, these materials have new physico-chemical properties that specifically affect the cutting process and the tool used to cut wood or plastic. The wear of a tool cutting wood or plastic is not similar to the wear of a tool cutting WPC. In order to minimise the cost of cutting wood-plastic composites, studies on cutting tool designs and cutting parameters are needed.

Three-dimensional cartographic imaging technology for historical preservation: the example of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania's mansions

Project number: –
Period: 01 12 2023 – 15 11 2024
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Technology
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Valdas Urbanavičius

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: Project purpose – The purpose of the work is defined as an analysis of the informativeness of three-dimensional cartographic representations based on three-dimensional spatial software.
The aim of the study is to analyse the informativeness of a three-dimensional cartographic image (map) based on the aerial mapping performed by an unmanned aerial vehicle (drone). The project will develop a 3D mapping methodology for the aerial mapping of LDK estates in Western Ukraine.



Responsible Consumption from the Perspective of Lithuanian and Polish Academic Youth

Project number: –
Period: 01 12 2023 – 15 11 2024
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Business
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Aušra Arminienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The aim of the project is to carry out an empirical representative study on “Responsible Consumption from the Perspective of Academic Youth in Lithuania and Poland” in cooperation with the project partner – Częstochowa University of Management (Poland) and to organise the discussion and dissemination of the results of the study as well as the proposed recommendations. The results of the study are to be presented to the academic community and the public during an international conference-discussion to be organised at Kaunas College of Arts and Sciences together with the other project partner – Kaunas Europe Direct Centre.
The project activities will raise awareness of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) among the general public (including young people in academia), with an emphasis on the expression of responsible consumption.



Lost in Translation: The Analysis of Quirks and Quandaries of Tourism Messages Through Human-AI Perspective

Project number: –
Period: 01 12 2023 – 15 11 2024
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Arts and Education
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Ieva Brazauskaitė-Zubavičienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The aim of the project is to investigate errors and/or inconsistencies in the translation of tourism information messages into English through the prism of human and artificial intelligence perception.
To achieve this goal, an international team of researchers will identify, classify and analyse translation errors in tourism communications and their impact on the perception and clarity of content. The project also aims to compare and contrast the ability of human and artificial intelligence to identify linguistic errors and to find out which is more effective at identifying and understanding the linguistic subtleties in tourist messages. The project has an excellent continuity as its insights and further research may reveal the potential of human-artificial intelligence collaboration and its relevance for improving the accuracy and effectiveness of public communication, not only in tourism, but also in any other field.


Adapting the Kinesiology Teepee to prevent facial ageing

Project number: –
Period: 01 12 2023 – 15 11 2024
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Medicine
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Dr. Diana Barragan Ferrer

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The aim of the project is to develop a prototype product for the prevention of facial ageing using kinesiology teip.
The project will develop a facial self-treatment kit consisting of comprehensive educational material on the use of the kinesiology teepee for aesthetic facial problems. As there is no such product on the market, once the prototype has been developed, it can be commercialised and offered to businesses. The project will evaluate the effects of the kinesiology teepee on the lymphatic and muscular systems of the face with modern diagnostic equipment that is designed for scientific research and the results obtained are recognised as accurate and valid. The project is important for the development of innovative consumer products, which are lacking in the cosmetic market, and the results will be presented at an international conference and an article will be written with foreign partners and disseminated in international databases. Expected outputs of the project: video and printed visual educational material adapted to the consumer, product packaging developed, product prototypes ready for commercialisation.


Development of an oral hygiene and nutrition education programme for pre-primary and primary school pupils, based on a smartphone app

Project number: –
Period: 01 12 2023 – 15 11 2024
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Medicine
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Daiva Mačiulienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The aim of the project is to develop an oral hygiene and nutrition education programme for pre-primary and primary school pupils, based on the use of a smart app.
To achieve this objective, the project plans to develop a two-phase oral hygiene and nutrition education programme for pre-primary and primary school pupils, based on the use of a smartphone application.
The following activities are planned to achieve the project’s objective: 1) to support the development of the project’s activities for parents of children aged 6-12 years. 2) development of a two-phase (educational lessons at school and a smart app for use at home) educational programme; 3) testing of the developed programme by conducting 15 educational pilot lessons in Kaunas schools, after which the children who participated in the lesson would use the developed smart app for three weeks to develop their oral hygiene and eating habits. 4) Dissemination of the project results in scientific publications and presentations.

Developing energy saving and control technologies for mechatronic systems powered by mobile storage using intelligent modification of digital and analogue signals

Project number: –
Period: 01 12 2023 – 15 11 2024
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Technology
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Dr Žydrūnas Kavaliauskas

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The aim of the project is to develop and investigate a technology for power saving and control of mechatronic systems powered by mobile storage devices, based on intelligent modification of electrical signals, and to integrate the activities and results of the project into the study process.
The project aims to develop a technology for charging mobile energy storage devices and powering mechatronic systems based on combining MPPT, PWM and TEG charging and powering techniques in a common circuit by finding the optimal charging and powering conditions under which mobile energy storage devices can be charged most rapidly and the energy stored in them can be optimally used (energy saving). Using MPPT and PWM charging techniques, it is possible to develop a unified charging system for mobile energy storage and a power supply system (device) for mechatronic devices, where the electricity is generated using flexible solar cells (flexible cells are chosen because of their low mass and ease of handling. The project activities would lead to the development of technologies for the charging of energy storage devices, the control of mechatronic devices and the efficient use of energy, with an optimal working process and superior to those currently available in the market. The project plans to publish 4 articles on behalf of Kaunas College in the Clarivate Analytics database Web of Science Core Collection in peer-reviewed journals (with an IF index of at least 2.5 and in Q1-Q2 quartile). The project will lead to the development of a real product, and it is planned to reach the TPL-9 technology readiness level, where pilot products will be offered to the customer and the user for testing and evaluation.

Modelling and evaluation of the systemic application of variable functional properties of visual products and industrial design products

Project number: –
Period: 01 12 2023 – 31 03 2024
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Technology
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Dr Daiva Sajek

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The aim of the project is to model and investigate the variable functional properties of modern visual products and industrial design products using two-dimensional image generation, spectrophotometry, mechanical and environmental effects and to evaluate the systematic application of modelling tools.
The study will develop a specific original tool (a reference scale of variable image information) with purposefully modelled micro-image elements, which will be used for the design and experimental printing of informative objects (lines, raster images, QR codes, microscripts) on different materials. The results of microscopic examination of the variable image micro-elements, measurements of their geometrical dimensions, spectrophotometric, mechanical abrasion resistance and long-term environmental (UV) exposure studies will be used to model the variation of the functional properties, to generate mathematical image rendering functions and to improve micro-image design, and to develop a methodology for the modelling of the variation of the functional properties and for the evaluation of the systematic application of the variation of functional properties.
The tool for modelling functional properties and the technical solution to the problem are to be patented.

European Structural Funds (EU SF)

Woodworking: Professional Skills and Motivation for Economically Inactive Zaliakalnis Youth

Project number: 08.6.1-ESFA-V-911-02-0003
Period: 2018/08-2020/11
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Arts and Education, Project Management Unit
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Aistė Dičkalnytė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project partners: VšĮ “Gražinkime Kauną”
Project summary: Based on the principles of social responsibility and sustainable development, Kauno kolegija HEI and the public institution “Gražinkime Kauną” are implementing this social project.  The aim of the project is to improve the labor market situation of young (16-39 years old), economically inactive residents of Žaliakalnis Eldership by implementing the local development strategy of Žaliakalnis in Kaunas city. The project aims to help young and economically inactive residents of Žaliakalnis Eldership to acquire and / or restore skills in the fields of wooden house restoration, exterior and interior details, souvenir production.

The project is implemented in accordance with the Measure 08.6.1-ESFA-V-911 “Implementation of Local Development Strategies” of the 2014-2020 EU Investment Operational Program Priority 8 “Increasing Social Inclusion and Fighting Poverty”.
The source of financing is the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Republic of Lithuania.

Non-formal Vocational Training and Skills Provision for Employable Inactive Youth

Project number: 08.6.1-ESFA-T-927-01-0157
Period: 2020/01/01 – 2021/01/29
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Arts and Education
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
dr. Inga Valentinienė

Project coordinating institution: Šilutės Hugo Sheu Museum
Project partners: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The aim of the project is to improve the situation of employable inactive young people in the labor market of Šilutė by providing them with restoration knowledge and practical skills while developing community spirit and promoting volunteering. During the project, inactive persons will be provided with the knowledge and skills necessary for the restorer profession. The project is intended to organize non-formal education training (vocational) and voluntary internship for economically inactive young people at the Restoration Center of Šilutės Hugo Sheu Museum and to encourage their work motivation. During the implementation of the project, three activities are planned: training in the restoration of wooden elements, voluntary internship in the workplace, and educational trip-seminar to promote motivational work activities. During the implementation of the project, the participants will be taught the subtleties of restoration of wooden objects in Kauno kolegija HEI, will perform voluntary practice in Šilutės Hugo Sheu Museum, will meet with the restoration staff of Pranas Gudynas Centre for Restoration in Lithuanian National Museum of Art. It is expected that the acquisition of practical skills in the workplace during the project activities will encourage a part (at least 20% of project participants or 2 persons) to feel like full members of society and enter the labor market.

The project is implemented in accordance with the Measure 08.6.1-ESFA-T-927 “Accelerated Implementation of Local Development Strategies” of the 2014-2020 EU Funds Investment Operational Program Priority 10 “Socially-responsive and Advanced Public Management”.
The source of financing is the European Social Fund and the budget of Šilutės Hugo Sheu Museum.

Perception of Social Worker and Social Work: Profession Image and Service Quality

Project number: 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-22-0017
Period: 2020/11/03 – 2021/04/30
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Medicine
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Dr. Daiva Bubelienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The aim of the project is to provide students with competencies that would enable them to independently plan the implementation and successful application of social research in practical professional activities, based on modern scientific methods. During the project, in the free from classes time, a student of Social Work study program from Kauno kolegija HEI under the guidance of the research manager and according to an individual program will conduct an applied social research relevant to science and society “Perception of Social Worker and Social Work: Profession Image and Service Quality”, and gain modern researcher competencies.

The project is implemented in accordance with the 2014-2020 Operational Program for the European Union Funds Investments in Lithuania under Measure 09.3.3-LMT-K-712 “Development of Competences of Scientists, Other Researchers and Students Through Practical Research Activities” sub-activity “Development of Students’ Abilities by Conducting Research During the Semester”.
Funding instrument – European Social Fund, the implementation of the measure is managed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania and the Research Council of Lithuania.

Behavioral Characteristics in Selection and Use of Cosmetics Among Men and Women

Project number: 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-22-0043
Period: 2020/11/03 – 2021/04/30
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Medicine
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Dr. Lijana Navickienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The aim of the project is to improve the research skills of a young researcher-student by conducting a study of the behavioral peculiarities of men’s and women’s cosmetics selection and use. The project aims to promote the involvement of the young researcher-student in research activities and to develop his/her research skills. This will be achieved through a study of behavioral patterns in the choice and use of cosmetics among men and women. The research is aimed at solving the research problem – what are the behavioral characteristics among men and women in the choice and use of cosmetics? Theoretical and empirical researches are foreseen to be carried out in order to achieve the project goal. Theoretical research will include analysis of scientific and other sources using various theoretical research methods to describe the classification of cosmetics, their purpose, theoretically substantiate the factors influencing the criteria of cosmetics selection, the formation of consumption habits emphasizing gender differences. The empirical research will include a quantitative strategy. The data will be collected using the written survey method. The results of the research will be presented in the research report and at the student conference organized by Research Council of Lithuania. The results of the study will complement the limited scientific discourse on the choice and use of cosmetics, revealing gender behavioural differences of choice and use of cosmetics.

The project is implemented in accordance with the 2014-2020 Operational Program for the European Union Funds Investments in Lithuania under Measure 09.3.3-LMT-K-712 “Development of Competences of Scientists, Other Researchers and Students Through Practical Research Activities” sub-activity “Development of Students’ Abilities by Conducting Research During the Semester”.
Funding instrument – European Social Fund, the implementation of the measure is managed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania and the Research Council of Lithuania.



Methodology for Identifying Fake News

Project number: 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-22-0015
Period: 2020/11/03 – 2021/04/30
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Business
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Dr. Lina Šarlauskienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The main goal of the project is to train a young researcher and develop competencies by conducting a study on ways to identify fake news and developing a practical methodology for recognizing fake news. During the project, the study will include analysis of scientific and other reliable literature and empirical research – qualitative interview. The systematization of the obtained information will be aimed at elucidating the main criteria for the assessment of fake news and developing a methodology for identifying fake news. Information about the spread of fake news in Lithuania often appears in the media but this problem exists not only in our country. The spread of fake news is global and affects the social, cultural, economic and political life. Fake news, misleading information and its lightning-fast spread are currently one of the biggest challenges of free, democratic states. In order to introduce young researchers to the threats and recognition methods of fake news, the project aims to develop a methodology for recognizing fake news that will help the public to identify fake news quickly and clearly.

The project is implemented in accordance with the 2014-2020 Operational Program for the European Union Funds Investments in Lithuania under Measure 09.3.3-LMT-K-712 “Development of Competences of Scientists, Other Researchers and Students Through Practical Research Activities” sub-activity “Development of Students’ Abilities by Conducting Research During the Semester”.
Funding instrument – European Social Fund, the implementation of the measure is managed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania and the Research Council of Lithuania.

Effects of Green Zones Implementation from the Sustainable Development Point of View: Šakiai City Case

Project number: 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-22-0077
Period: 2020/11/03 – 2021/04/30
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Business
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Dr. Valdemaras Makutėnas

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The project aims to improve students’ scientific competence and skills through practical research. During the project, a research will be carried out to study the economic, social and environmental effects of the implementation of green zones in Šakiai and to submit proposals for its improvements. Therefore, statistical information of Šakiai district municipality will be used, a survey of Šakiai city residents and interviews with the responsible employees of the municipal administration departments will be conducted. The relevance and novelty of the study is based on the requirements of the EU directives and other legal acts as well as international agreements for the implementation of the green economy concept, reduction of environmental pollution, creation of new job openings and tourist attractions in the region. The obtained results will be useful for the development of strategic programs for region development.

The project is implemented in accordance with the 2014-2020 Operational Program for the European Union Funds Investments in Lithuania under Measure 09.3.3-LMT-K-712 “Development of Competences of Scientists, Other Researchers and Students Through Practical Research Activities” sub-activity “Development of Students’ Abilities by Conducting Research During the Semester”.
Funding instrument – European Social Fund, the implementation of the measure is managed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania and the Research Council of Lithuania.

Oral health behaviour in preschool children: parental knowledge and attitudes

Project number: 09.3.3.-LMT-K-712-24-0119
Period: 2021 07 07 – 2021 08 31
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Medicine
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
dr. Rasa Tamulienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The project aims to promote the involvement of the young researcher-student in research activities and to develop his / her research skills. This will be achieved through the study “Oral Health Behaviour in Preschool Children: Parental Knowledge and Attitudes”. This study addresses a research problem of parents’ knowledge and attitudes towards pre-school children’s oral health-related behaviour. To achieve the project’s goal, four stages are planned: preparation of a research instrument and pilot testing, collection of research data, analysis of research data, preparation of a research report.

Establishing parental knowledge and attitudes towards oral health-related behaviour in preschool children will allow for more effective implementation of oral health prevention programs, focusing not only on providing instrumental assistance to children, but also on involving parents in prevention programs to develop proper oral health care related skills for preschool children. The implementation of the project activities will not only contribute to the development of the student’s research skills, but will also provide opportunities to improve the young researcher’s academic and digital literacy, critical and analytical thinking, problem solving and communication skills.
The project is implemented in accordance with the 2014-2020 Operational Program for the European Union Funds Investments in Lithuania under Measure 09.3.3-LMT-K-712 “Development of Competences of Scientists, Other Researchers and Students Through Practical Research Activities” sub-activity “Development of Students’ Abilities by Conducting Research During the Semester”.
Source of Funding – European Social Fund, the implementation of the measure is managed by the Research Council of Lithuania.

Development of environmental tax accounting policy methodology

Project number: 09.3.3.-LMT-K-712-24-0118
Period: 2021 07 07 – 2021 08 31
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Business
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
dr. Jūratė Savickienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The project aims to improve students’ scientific competence and ability to carry out practical research. The goal is to develop a methodology for environmental tax accounting policies using tax optimization models and strategies to reduce tax costs and to lower level of environmental pollution. Analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction of the scientific literature will be used for this purpose; mathematical modelling; optimization function. The final outcome will be the methodology for developing an environmental tax accounting policy.

The project is implemented in accordance with the 2014-2020 Operational Program for the European Union Funds Investments in Lithuania under Measure 09.3.3-LMT-K-712 “Development of Competences of Scientists, Other Researchers and Students Through Practical Research Activities” sub-activity “Development of Students’ Abilities by Conducting Research During the Semester”.
Source of Funding – European Social Fund, the implementation of the measure is managed by the Research Council of Lithuania.

Assessment of psycho-emotional climate in the workplace of general practice nurses and identification of psychosocial risks

Project number: 09.3.3.-LMT-K-712-24-0117
Period: 2021 07 07 – 2021 08 31
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Medicine
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
dr. Vaidas Jotautis

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: Considering the Action Plan for Improving the Psychosocial Climate and Psychological Welfare in the Health Care System for 2020–2022, it is expedient to assess the psycho-emotional climate of general practice nurses working in Kaunas County, identify psychosocial risks and present generalized results.

The project aims to promote the involvement of the young researcher-student in research activities and to develop his / her research skills. Implementation of project activities (theoretical analysis of a scientific problem, preparation of a research instrument, data collection and analysis, discussion of results, research report preparation) will provide opportunities to improve the young researcher’s digital literacy, problem solving, critical and analytical thinking, communication skills.
The project is implemented in accordance with the 2014-2020 Operational Program for the European Union Funds Investments in Lithuania under Measure 09.3.3-LMT-K-712 “Development of Competences of Scientists, Other Researchers and Students Through Practical Research Activities” sub-activity “Development of Students’ Abilities by Conducting Research During the Semester”.
Source of Funding – European Social Fund, the implementation of the measure is managed by the Research Council of Lithuania.

Development of new food components and target livestock raw materials based on concentrated whey powder

Project number: J05-LVPA-K-03-0044
Period: 2017/04/30-2021/05/01
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Technologies, Project Management Unit
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Dr. Ingrida Kraujutienė

Project coordinating institution: UAB “Litamilk”
Project partners: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: UAB “Litamilk” is the only company in Lithuania and Latvia that produces milk powder substitutes, enriched with various vitamins and microelements, and seals for a healthy and balanced diet of calves. The projects are aimed at research into the functional properties of concentrated whey powder and the development of new products based on concentrated whey powder. Most of the research with whey powder is on waste model systems, but their application in the food industry and in target destinations for the production of livestock raw materials has not been analyzed in detail. There is no research and evidence on how concentrated whey powder additives can improve the properties of technological products, what dependence of these properties on heat treatment, pH of the medium, components of products, oxygen content and other actions. The project partner is the research and study institution Kauno kolegija HEI, in its laboratory will be performed concentrated microbiological research of whey powder to determine the possibilities of their application in the production of novelty products. The result of the project: research into the functional properties of whey powder, developing experimental technologies for the production of new products, producing and testing the prototypes of 5 new products for the food industry and 2 prototypes of new target livestock raw materials for the livestock sector. The development and implementation of new products envisaged in the project would enable UAB “Litamilk” to offer cheaper (because it is made from local raw materials) and healthier (without GMO, no added sugar, no allergenic plant-derived materials, thanks to the use of concentrated whey powder enriched with useful nutrients) products to companies in the Lithuanian and export markets.

The project is implemented in accordance with the European Union Funds Investment Operational Program 2014-2020 Priority 1 “Promotion of Research, Experimental Development and Innovation” implementation measure No. J05-LVPA-K “Intelligence. Joint science-business projects”.
The source of financing is the European Regional Development Fund and the state budget of the Republic of Lithuania.

Effect of different nutritional plans on the body composition of overweight / obese women

Project number: 09.3.3.-LMT-K-712-25-0029
Period: 2021 09 06 – 2022 03 31
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Medicine

Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI: Dr. R. Volskienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The project aims to address women’s overweight problems through a standard diet and low-calorie diet plans. Women who are overweight / obese in the study will be interviewed to find out their diet and eating habits. Female body compositions will be measured at the beginning, middle and end of the study. Scales-body composition analyzer will be used for measurement, upper arm, chest, torso and hip volumes will be measured by meter. Each woman in the study will complete a diary that will record waking / sleeping, eating, working / physical activity times. The aim of this study is to reveal whether a forced change in the natural circadian rhythm lead to better weight loss results.

The project is implemented in accordance with the 2014-2020 Operational Program for the European Union Funds Investments in Lithuania under Measure 09.3.3-LMT-K-712 “Development of Competencies of Scientists, Other Researchers and Students Through Practical Research Activities” sub-activity “Development of Students’ Abilities by Conducting Science (Arts) Research During the Semester”.

Funding instrument – European Social Fund, the implementation of the measure is managed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania and the Research Council of Lithuania.

Interior design eco-object design study: features of structural compounds and materials and their combinations

Project number: 09.3.3.-LMT-K-712-25-0113
Period: 2021 09 06 – 2022 03 31
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Arts and Education

Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI: dr. I. Valentinienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The aim of the project is to develop skills to design sustainable products that meet the latest needs of society by analyzing the scientific literature, requirements, and using the methodology and skills to develop a methodological tool for other students in the same field.

During the project, a study of interior design object designing based on sustainable design principles will be prepared: analysis of requirements and EU standards, analysis of sustainable design principles and eco-design methods, analysis of different types of interior object constructions and construction materials; to design samples of different types, create visualizations and drawings, provide their technical descriptions and references to the relevant methods, provide standards and / or requirements.

The project is implemented in accordance with the 2014-2020 Operational Program for the European Union Funds Investments in Lithuania under Measure 09.3.3-LMT-K-712 “Development of Competencies of Scientists, Other Researchers and Students Through Practical Research Activities” sub-activity “Development of Students’ Abilities by Conducting Science (Arts) Research During the Semester”.

Funding instrument – European Social Fund, the implementation of the measure is managed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania and the Research Council of Lithuania.

Evaluation of ecosystem services in Jurbarkas district municipality

Project number: 09.3.3.-LMT-K-712-25-0006
Period: 2021 09 06 – 2022 03 31
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Dr. V. Makutėnas

Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI: dr. A. Dičkalnytė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The project aims to improve students’ scientific competency and abilities through practical research. During the project, a research will be carried out to assess ecosystem services in terms of sustainable development in Jurbarkas District Municipality. For this purpose, statistical information of Jurbarkas District Municipality, implemented in Jurbarkas District, will be used and a survey of the Municipal population will be conducted by interviewing the responsible employees of the Municipal administration.

The project is implemented in accordance with the 2014-2020 Operational Program for the European Union Funds Investments in Lithuania under Measure 09.3.3-LMT-K-712 “Development of Competencies of Scientists, Other Researchers and Students Through Practical Research Activities” sub-activity “Development of Students’ Abilities by Conducting Science (Arts) Research During the Semester”.

Funding instrument – European Social Fund, the implementation of the measure is managed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania and the Research Council of Lithuania.

Interior decoration of 20th century interwar kaunas. authentic element database and selected object restoration analysis

Project number: 09.3.3.-LMT-K-712-25-0111
Period: 2021 09 06 – 2022 03 31
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Arts and Education

Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI: dr. A. Dičkalnytė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary:
The aim of the project is to improve the scientific competency of a young researcher in the field of research and restoration of historical interiors. During the project, the most valuable decorative elements of Kaunas interwar interiors will be photographed: walls, ceilings, floor decor, lighting equipment, stoves, furniture, interior textiles and other small decorative elements. If possible, their historical-iconographic material will be collected, descriptions will be prepared and, according to the prepared methodology, a database of interwar interior decoration will be created. In order to demonstrate the practical applicability of the database, the student will select one interior decoration object of historical and artistic value and prepare an analysis of its preliminary restoration.

The project is implemented in accordance with the 2014-2020 Operational Program for the European Union Funds Investments in Lithuania under Measure 09.3.3-LMT-K-712 “Development of Competencies of Scientists, Other Researchers and Students Through Practical Research Activities” sub-activity “Development of Students’ Abilities by Conducting Science (Arts) Research During the Semester”.

Funding instrument – European Social Fund, the implementation of the measure is managed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania and the Research Council of Lithuania.

Development of health SPA services in Lithuania resorts

Project number: 09.3.3.-LMT-K-712-25-0094
Period: 2021 09 06 – 2022 03 31
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Business

Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI: Dr. A. Brusokas

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The aim of the project is to develop health and SPA service management study program, which aims to train health and SPA service managers who are able to identify consumer and market needs, plan and organise the activities of these service providers, develop and present products that meet the concept of health as a lifestyle by responsibly communicating in a multicultural business environment. Also, to develop student’s research competencies by revealing the development opportunities of health services in Lithuanian resorts and resort areas after the COVID 19 pandemic and quarantine.

The project is implemented in accordance with the 2014-2020 Operational Program for the European Union Funds Investments in Lithuania under Measure 09.3.3-LMT-K-712 “Development of Competencies of Scientists, Other Researchers and Students Through Practical Research Activities” sub-activity “Development of Students’ Abilities by Conducting Science (Arts) Research During the Semester”.

Funding instrument – European Social Fund, the implementation of the measure is managed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania and the Research Council of Lithuania.

Increasing Study Availability

Project number: 09.3.1-ESFA-V-708-01-0001
Period: 2015 09 – 2022 09
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Studies Administration Services, Project Management Unit
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Rita Liutkienė, Lina Kuratienė

Project coordinating institution: State Studies Foundation
Project partners: Kolping University of Applied Sciences, Lithuanian University of Education, Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, SMK University of Applied Social Sciences, Lithuania Business University of Applied Sciences, Vilnius College of Technologies and Design, Business School of Vilnius University, Vilnius Business College, Vytautas Magnus University, Zemaitija College, Northern Lithuania College, Lithuanian Maritime Academy, Aleksandras Stulginskis University, ALYTAUS KOLEGIJA/ University of Applied Sciences, University of Applied Engineering Sciences, Klaipeda University, Šiauliai University, Utena University of Applied Sciences, Vilnius Academy of Arts, Vilnius College of Design, European Humanities University, Kauno kolegija HEI, Kaunas Forestry and Environmental Engineering University of Applied Sciences, Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences, Lithuanian Sports University, Marijampole University of Applied Sciences, Mykolas Romeris University, Panevėžio kolegija / University of Applied Sciences, Šiauliai State College, Graičiūnas School of Management, Lithuania Business University of Applied Sciences, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Vilniaus Kolegija / University of Applied Sciences, Vilniaus kooperacijos kolegija, Vilnius University, LCC International University.
Project summary: This project aims to improve the accessibility of higher education and the quality of studies for students with special needs. To achieve this goal, the project promoter will improve the study conditions for students with special needs: each month will provide a targeted allowance, and will monitor this process, inform and consult on the receipt and use of benefits, assess how the information and physical environment of higher education institutions is adapted to students’ special needs and ways to improve it, disseminate information on measures to increase access to study and make it easier and more convenient to access it. In order to improve the quality of studies, it is planned to organize trainings, meetings, discussions on the issues of increasing the availability of studies for higher education staff, to analyze what subject competencies of higher education staff should be developed. The activities envisaged in the project will be aimed at creating a universally accessible study environment that will encourage people with special needs to pursue higher education.

The project is implemented in accordance with the European Union Funds Investment Operational Program 2014-2020 Priority 9 “Public Education and Increasing Human Resources Potential” implementation measure 9.3.1-ESFA-V-708 “Increasing the availability of studies”
The source of financing is the European Regional Development Fund and the state budget of the Republic of Lithuania.

Strengthening of the Academic Recognition System (KAPRIS-2)

Project number: 09.3-2-ESFA-V-710-01-0001
Period: 2015 10 – 2022 12
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Studies and Applied Research Unit
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Jolanta Valiaugienė

Project coordinating institution: Study Quality Evaluation Centre
Project partners: ALYTAUS KOLEGIJA/ University of Applied Sciences, Kauno kolegija HEI, Kaunas University of Technology, Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences, Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Centre of Information Technologies in Education, Utena University of Applied Sciences, Vilnius Academy of Arts, Vytautas Magnus University, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Vilniaus Kolegija / University of Applied Sciences, Vilnius University.
Project summary: The KAPRIS-2 project envisages the development of a system for the academic recognition of foreign qualifications related to higher education and the optimization of the qualification assessment process. This will be achieved by developing and / or implementing measures to ensure a faster process of qualification assessment and the provision and receipt of information related to qualifications, and to introduce automatic recognition of qualifications. Also, by facilitating cooperation between recognition authorities and public awareness of the system. During the project, it is planned to prepare descriptions of education systems of 26 countries, supplement 3 already prepared country descriptions, new relevant information, create information system (electronic academic recognition space), prepare higher education institutions for implementation of recognition process, review and improve processes of higher education institutions with recognition rights, organize training of higher education institutions, and to prepare information tools for raising public awareness about the system of academic recognition.

The project is implemented in accordance with the European Union Funds Investment Operational Program 2014-2020 Priority 9 “Public Education and Increasing Human Resources Potential” implementation measure 09.3.2-ESFA-V-710 “Strengthening of Monitoring, External Evaluation and Recognition of Qualifications”
The source of financing is the European Regional Development Fund and the state budget of the Republic of Lithuania.

Other Projects

Integrated Sports: from Theory to Match Challenges

Project number: SRF-KT-2019-1-0062
: 2019/09 – 2020/12
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Business
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
dr. Andrius Brusokas

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The aim of the project is to improve the qualifications of people working with people with disabilities by introducing a form of integrated sport. The initiated project is in line with the internal strategic documents of the Republic of Lithuania in the field of sports policy management and contributes to the common goals. The program of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania enshrines the goal of providing adapted services to people with special needs by allocating funding for the training of people working with disabilities, and by promoting the implementation of programs and projects aimed at the most vulnerable target groups: the disabled. The project directly responds to the National Progress Program for 2014-2020, the overall goal of which is to improve the quality of life, strengthen social cohesion and ensure equal opportunities for all, and improve the quality of life for people with disabilities. Physical infrastructure is a fundamental condition for the development of cultural services. However, available human resources severely limit the ability to provide high quality services. Therefore, it is necessary to modernize all segments of this network and improve the qualification of employees.
This project will have a direct impact on the qualifications of people working with people with disabilities, thus increasing the modernization, attractiveness and quality of their activities for local communities. It is hoped that the implementation of this project will create conditions for improving the quality of life of people with disabilities and will contribute to the participation of various society groups in physical activities. The Lithuanian Health Program 2014–2025 talks about prevention programs aimed at avoiding possible injuries. Following the implementation of the project, sports clubs and organizations will employ trained staff who will contribute to this goal.
In order to achieve the set goal, the following tasks are set:

  1. To organize integrated sports trainings in different Lithuanian cities, training 80 participants.
  2. To organize integrated basketball and football competitions in Lithuania.

Expected results:
The project provides theoretical and practical training, to which coaches and employees of sports clubs/organizations for the disabled will be invited. Training in five different Lithuanian cities (Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šiauliai, Marijampolė) will ensure the development of integrated sports not only in a particular city and will allow most disabled people to participate in training closer to their place of residence. One-day training is planned for 8 hours. The training is divided into two parts – theoretical (introducing the peculiarities of integrated sports, the uniqueness of working with the disabled and healthy people at the same time, and methodologies) and practical (playing integrated football and basketball, revealing the subtleties of integrated sports). The trainings will be led by 2 lecturers of Kauno kolegija HEI. During the practical classes, they will be assisted by 4 volunteer students of Sports Management study program of Kauno kolegija HEI. After completing the integrated sports training and having a group of people who understand the subtleties of integrated football and integrated basketball games, integrated sports competitions will be organized in different Lithuanian cities (Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šiauliai, Marijampolė). The organization of the competition will allow to feel the competitive atmosphere of the integrated sports teams – 2 teams in each city, a total of 10 teams, at least 7 people in each. It is likely that this will significantly promote the popularization of integrated sports throughout Lithuania.
Source of funding – Sports Support Fund.

Use of Waste-free Technologies to Improve the Processing of Crops on Horticultural Farms

Project number: 14PA-KK-17-1-01489-PR001
: 2018/10/01 – 2020/12/30
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Technologies
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Dr. Ingrida Kraujutienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: In order to improve the processing of grown products in horticultural farms, Kauno kolegija HEI is implementing a project that will demonstrate how to maximally process farmed products and produce flour confectionery products of exceptional taste, enriched with dietary fibre, vitamins, and minerals that meet the body’s physiological needs and the principles of healthy diet. The process of plant food production leaves a lot of nutritious, completely unused raw materials that are utilized. Farmers growing pumpkins and wishing to process their produce locally will have the opportunity to learn about the production aspects of flour products during the project. During the implementation of the project, farms and small businesses will aim to demonstrate how to use all the valuable parts of pumpkin fruit as efficiently as possible in the production of wheat products – brioche pastries.
The project is implemented in accordance with the activity area “Support for demonstration projects and information activities” of the measure “Knowledge transfer and information activities” of the Lithuanian Rural Development Program 2014-2020.
The source of financing is the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the state budget of the Republic of Lithuania

Factors Shaping the Prestige of Pre-School and Pre-School Pedagogy:Students' Attitudes

Period: 2020/06/01 – 2020/12/15 Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Arts and Education
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Dr. Sigita Saulėnienė

Project coordinating institution: Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences
Project partners: Kauno kolegija HEI, Vilniaus Kolegija / University of Applied Sciences, Panevėžio kolegija / University of Applied Sciences, Šiauliai University.
Project summary: The aim of the project is to develop the creativity, critical thinking, initiative, citizenship, ability to conduct applied research and cooperate on a national scale in students of Lithuanian higher education institutions by analyzing students’ attitudes to the factors shaping the prestige of the teacher. Members of Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences and student research societies of project partners will jointly conduct an applied research “Factors Shaping the Prestige of Pre-School and Pre-School Pedagogy: Students’ Attitudes”. Students’ project activities in the study will start with a discussion with an expert pedagogue in order to refine the picture of the factors shaping the prestige of pre-school and pre-school pedagogy. There will also be meetings of participants with pre-school and pre-school education teachers of three Klaipėda kindergartens: ‘Čiauškutė’, ‘Žiogelis’ and ‘Vyturėlis’. Students, in communication with educators-practitioners, will be able to refine the list of factors shaping the prestige of the profession. The qualitative research that is planned in the scope of the project will be carried out on the basis of scientific workshops. The choice of such an inclusive and interactive approach will encourage students’ creativity, scientific and critical thinking. In the processes of continuous cooperation, the acquisition of new experiences and planning, implementation and control of qualitative research, the students’ civic initiatives will be responded to and the need for improvement will be encouraged.
The project is implemented in accordance with the Study and Science Development Program of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports of the Republic of Lithuania: Civic, Scientific, Creative and Sports Student Project Competition 2020.
The source of funding is the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports of the Republic of Lithuania.

Analysis of Student Work and Studies Combination in the Fields of Pedagogy, Social Work and Health Sciences

Period: 2020/07/01 – 2020/12/15 Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Arts and Education / Department of Education
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Dr. Sigita Saulėnienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project partners: Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences, Vilnius kolegija / University of Applied Sciences.
Project summary: The main goal of the project is to promote students’ involvement in scientific activities and to develop their research skills. This goal will be pursued through the analysis of studies and work activities of students in the fields of pedagogy, social work and health sciences. The project is aimed at finding out the international and Lithuanian experience of higher education institutions, while creating better conditions for students to combine studies and work. The cases of Kaunas, Vilnius and Klaipėda Universities of Applied Sciences were selected to present the experience of Lithuanian higher education institutions. The project also aims to determine the ability of students of Lithuanian higher education institutions (KUAS, VUAS, KSUAS) to combine studies and work, as far as it is related to the student’s own needs and interests, the conditions created by the higher education institution, and the needs and opportunities of employers. To achieve this goal, students of KUAS and its partners will jointly conduct a study of students’ possibilities to combine studies and work, and will interview employers, representatives of universities’ administration and lecturers about the working students’ motivation to study. The aim of the project is twofold: 1) to provide recommendations to higher education institutions on the combination of studies and work in higher education institutions in order to improve the quality of students’ studies and work; 2) to develop the abilities of students of different Lithuanian Universities of Applied Sciences to perform applied scientific activities. Participants are students of Kaunas, Vilnius and Klaipėda Universities of Applied Sciences aiming to master modern research methods and strengthen their ability to cooperate in applied research.
Based on the results of the research, recommendations for higher education institutions and employers on the opportunities, key advantages and disadvantages of combining studies and work will be prepared. The recommendations will contribute to more successful synergy of studies and work. This will create preconditions for improving the quality of studies in higher education and strengthening the competitiveness of students in the labor market.
The project is implemented in accordance with the Study and Science Development Program of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports of the Republic of Lithuania: Civic, Scientific, Creative and Sports Student Project Competition 2020.
The source of funding is the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports of the Republic of Lithuania.

Prevention of Purchase and Sale of Study Papers by Developing Academic Integrity

Period: 2020/06/01 – 2020/12/15 Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Business
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Edita Pažereckaitė

Project coordinating institution: Panevėžio kolegija / University of Applied Sciences
Project partners: Kauno kolegija HEI, Vilniaus Kolegija / University of Applied Sciences, Šiauliai State College.
Project summary: The aim of the project is to develop the creativity, critical thinking, initiative, citizenship, abilities to carry out applied research and cooperate on a national scale by conducting a qualitative research ” Prevention of Purchase and Sale of Study Papers by Developing Academic Integrity” of students of Lithuanian universities of applied sciences. Students’ project activities in the study will begin with a discussion with a STT representative on generating research areas and defining the research field. Students will conduct a qualitative research on the basis of the project workshop. This will encourage students’ creativity, scientific and critical thinking. In the processes of continuous cooperation, acquisition of new experiences and planning, implementation and control of qualitative research, the students’ civic initiatives will be responded to and academic integrity will be fostered.

The project is implemented in accordance with the Study and Science Development Program of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports of the Republic of Lithuania: Civic, Scientific, Creative and Sports Student Project Competition 2020.
The source of funding is the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports of the Republic of Lithuania.

A Cycle of Information Tools on EU Cohesion Policy and Its Impact on Citizens' Quality of Life

Project number: 2020CE16BAT212
: 2021/09/01 – 2022/06/30
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Business
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Aušra Arminienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The aim of the project is to raise public awareness, especially among young people, about the results of the European Union’s cohesion policy (as well as the implementation of the Fair Restructuring Fund and the European Economic Recovery Plan) and their impact on citizens’ lives. Expected results – organized events, talk shows on radio stations and television, a series of information articles on the investments of the European Union Structural Funds. The information is integrated into the study process – a series of lectures: “EU Cohesion Policy: Legal and Economic Aspects”. A scientific article in English is prepared and published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal.

Promotion of Agricultural Product Processing by Candies-Pastilles Production Without Added Sugar

Project number: 14PA-KK-19-1-08729-PR001
: 2020/10/01 – 2022/09/30
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Technologies
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Dr. Ingrida Kraujutienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The aim of the project is to encourage farmers to produce candies – pastilles without added sugar when processing agricultural products. The project is intended to demonstrate to farmers, their partners, farm workers, other natural or legal persons engaged in agricultural activities how to use added sugar in the processing of agricultural products on farms and in the production of sweets. During the implementation of the project, according to the prepared demonstration test methodology, 10 demonstration tests will be installed, the results of which will be summarized in recommendations and presented at publicity events. Demonstration tests will demonstrate that the use of added sugar may not be necessary for the processing of agricultural products and the production of pastilles.
The project is implemented in accordance with the activity area “Support for Demonstration Projects and Information Activities” of the measure “Knowledge Transfer and Information Activities” of the Lithuanian Rural Development Program 2014-2020.
The source of financing is the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the state budget of the Republic of Lithuania.

Sports Progress

Project number: SRF-SRO-2020-1-0242
: 2020.08.03– 2022.07.01
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Sports Centre
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Laura Mekšriūnienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The aim of the project is to promote physical activity of Lithuanian students and through mass sports events. The initiated project responds to many strategic documents in the field of sports policy management of the Republic of Lithuania and contributes to the common goals. The target group of the project is young people (age 16-29) studying in Lithuanian educational institutions (general education schools, gymnasiums and universities of applied sciences). It is planned to attract around 300 people during the whole cycle of events. Young people will be invited to participate not only from Kaunas city, but also from Alytus, Vilnius, Šiauliai, Klaipėda, Utena, Marijampolė and Panevėžys. The project will help a young people to better realize themselves and develop character traits. Young people who play sports learn better, it is easier for them to concentrate, which is reflected in both scientific and sports achievements. By participating in the project, young people will not only improve their body, improve their health, achieve personal results, but also learn teamwork. Active sports activities develop strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, balance, dexterity and other physical qualities. Also, students and schoolchildren who perform sports activities have higher self-esteem and have more confidence.
Project objective is to increase the physical activity of young people (about 300 people).
Expected results: the project will organize 4 mass events, during which it is expected to attract at least 300 people aged 16-29. Young people from different educational institutions will be invited to participate. During the events, 5 different sports will be presented and 1 theoretical-practical seminar will be held. Involvement of students and community of Kauno kolegija HEI in physical activity and creation of a sports society. Through the implementation of the project, Kauno kolegija HEI will contribute to the creation of sustainable development initiatives not only in Kaunas but also in Lithuania, and will develop institutional cooperation. After testing various sports activities, it is expected to interest young people and evaluate sports as one of the means of employment, to promote a more active and healthy living.

Promoting the Production of Juice Drinks That Preserve Biologically Valuable Components on Farmers' Farms

Project number: 14PA-KK-19-1-08731-PR001
: 2020/10/01 – 2022/09/30
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Technologies
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Dr. Aušra Šimonėlienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The aim of the project is to encourage farmers to use innovative berry processing methods and to produce soft drinks rich in natural bioactive substances in order to improve the processing of grown products on berry farms.
The project aims to demonstrate to farmers, their partners, farm workers, and other natural or legal persons engaged in agricultural activities how the processing of products in berry farms can optimize the yield of biologically valuable components (anthocyanins and vitamin C) and produce high value-added juice drinks. During the implementation of the project, according to the prepared demonstration test methodology, 10 demonstration tests will be installed, the results of which will be summarized in recommendations and presented at publicity events. Demonstration tests will demonstrate that scientific progress can be used to process berries and biologically valuable components (anthocyanins and vitamin C) can be preserved.
The project is implemented in accordance with the activity area “Support for Demonstration Projects and Information Activities” of the measure “Knowledge Transfer and Information Activities” of the Lithuanian Rural Development Program 2014-2020.
The source of financing is the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the state budget of the Republic of Lithuania.

Innovative on-farm methods for the production of canned meat

Project number: 14PA-KK-19-1-08732-PR001
: 2020/10/01 – 2022/09/30
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Technologies
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Žydronė Žarskienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The aim of the project is to encourage farmers to use innovative methods of producing canned meat on farms. The project is designed to demonstrate to farmers, their partners, farm workers, other natural or legal persons engaged in agricultural activities how innovative methods of meat canning can ensure the long-term freshness of meat. During the implementation of the project, according to the prepared demonstration test methodology, 10 demonstration tests will be installed, the results of which will be summarized in recommendations and presented at publicity events. Demonstration tests will demonstrate how canned meat can be produced without the use of food additives and that the final product will be healthier and more attractive to the final consumer.

The project is implemented in accordance with the activity area “Support for Demonstration Projects and Information Activities” of the measure “Knowledge Transfer and Information Activities” of the Lithuanian Rural Development Program 2014-2020.
The source of financing is the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the state budget of the Republic of Lithuania.

Workshop “Start – up`s Here”

Project number: SRB-316
: 2022 06 – 2022 07
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Business
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Ramunė Bagočiūnaitė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project partners: “Startup Lithuania, Head of events and pre-accelerator Ieva Šumakarytė, “GovTech Lab Lithuania”

Project summary: The goal of the project is to develop entrepreneurial skills, creative thinking and abilities of young people, in order to create conditions for young people to develop entrepreneurial personality traits, solving the problems of Lithuanian youth. Program of project activities: at least 200 of Lithuanian youth (age of 14-17 years) will participate in the seminar session and meetings with representatives of successful start-ups, in teams they will generate solutions to the most sensitive youth problems from their point of view, on the basis of which they will try to create start-up ideas. The 10 best ideas will be selected, which will be further improved during creative workshops and mentoring sessions. On the last day of the project, start-up ideas will be presented, from which a panel of experts will select 1 winner.
Source of Funding – Kaunas City Municipality and Kauno kolegija HEI

Fence renovation works of the building complex of the Kaunas School of Art at A. Mackevičiaus st. 27, Kaunas

Project number:
: 2022
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Project Management Unit
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Lina Kuraitienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The goal of the project is to repair and renovate part of the fence (gates and 8 segments) of the building complex of the Kaunas Art School at Žaliosios and K. Šklėrios streets.
Source of Funding – Kaunas City Municipality and Kauno kolegija HEI

The impact of the creation and collapse of Lithuanian start-ups on the business ecosystem

Project number: P-SV-22-117
: 2022 07 01 – 2022 08 31
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Business
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Ramunė Bagočiūnaitė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary:  The project aims to promote the involvement of the young researcher-student in scientific research activities and to develop his research abilities. The aim of the project is to analyse the reasons for the creation and collapse of Lithuanian start-ups and their impact on the business ecosystem.

The impact of changes in Lithuanian students' interpersonal communication on the study process and results during the COVID-19 pandemic

Project number: P-SV-22-94
: 2022 07 01 – 2022 08 31
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Business
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Lina Šarlauskienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The project aims to promote the involvement of the young researcher-student in scientific research activities and to develop his research abilities. The aim of the project is to perform an analysis of changes in students’ interpersonal communication during the COVID-19 pandemic and to determine the impact of these changes on the quality of studies, i.e. study process and study results.

Nutritional analysis of individuals with elevated blood cholesterol levels

Project number: P-SV-22-92
: 2022 07 01 – 2022 08 31
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Medicine
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Rasa Volskienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The project aims to promote the involvement of the young researcher-student in scientific research activities and to develop his research abilities. During the study, the diet of people with elevated blood cholesterol levels will be analysed, potential nutritional errors will be highlighted and health-friendly nutritional recommendations will be provided.

Electromyographic analysis of the dentate anterior muscle during different exercises

Project number: P-SV-22-110
: 2022 07 01 – 2022 08 31
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Medicine
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Ligita Šilinė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The project aims to promote the involvement of the young researcher-student in scientific research activities and to develop his research abilities. During the project, the student will learn how to use the electromyograph, analyse its data and make practical recommendations.

Characteristics of gross and fine motor skills of obese and normal weight children

Project number: P-SV-22-116
: 2022 07 01 – 2022 08 31
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Medicine
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Laura Žlibinaitė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The project aims to promote the involvement of the young researcher-student in scientific research activities and to develop his research abilities. The student will perform a literature analysis, will be able to apply the gross and fine motor assessment methodology “Bruininks-Oseretsky Test”, present an oral presentation, prepare an application for biomedical research and submit it to the Kaunas Regional Biomedical Research Ethics Committee.

Correlations of commonly used fluid and blood indicators

Project number: P-SV-22-101
: 2022 07 01 – 2022 08 31
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Medicine
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Jolita Kirvaitienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The project aims to promote the involvement of the young researcher-student in scientific research activities and to develop his research abilities. Correlations of commonly used fluids and blood parameters of subjects will be evaluated. The results of the study will reveal the possible benefits/harms to the body of the most commonly used liquids.

Assessment of the psycho-emotional climate of medical staff at the workplace and identification of psychosocial risks in Sweden, dissemination of good practice in Lithuania

Project number: P-SV-22-158
: 2022 07 01 – 2022 08 31
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Medicine
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Vaidas Jotautis

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The project aims to promote the involvement of the young researcher-student in scientific research activities and to develop his research abilities. During the research, the student will determine what proportion of medical staff experiences psychological and emotional stress at the workplace in Swedish medical institutions, identify the main influencing factors, determine the impact of psychological and emotional stress at the workplace on the health of medical staff.

Sensory integration disorders in preschool children with developmental changes, from the perspective of parents

Project number: P-SV-22-119
: 2022 07 01 – 2022 08 31
Responsible department at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Faculty of Medicine
Coordinating person at Kauno kolegija HEI:
Daiva Baltaduonienė

Project coordinating institution: Kauno kolegija HEI
Project summary: The project aims to promote the involvement of the young researcher-student in scientific research activities and to develop his research abilities. The aim of the project is to find out the dominant changes in sensory integration, so that during occupational therapy sessions, the planned goals of occupational therapy can be more efficiently and smoothly achieved by selecting tools, adapting the environment, planning activities, and carrying out sensory integration corrections