In order to nurture the values of Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution – responsibility, professionalism, openness, respect, and a sense of community – it is essential for us as individuals and community to create a work and academic environment, which would be favourable, democratic, safe, open to respect and assistance. Unfair and disrespectful treatment of a person is not acceptable at Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution. Therefore in case of intolerable actions, we encourage to speak and act.

  • Is a lecturer constantly late for the lecture?
  • Did you notice plagiarism or copying?
  • Do you experience psychological violence or bullying from the student(s), lecturers, or other staff?
  • Did you notice a bribe offer/acceptance?
  • Do you encounter or notice other cases of unethical and intolerable behaviour?

The KK Code of Academic Ethics defines the principles and norms of ethical conduct of KK community members. Each member of the Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution community undertakes to comply with the Code of Academic Ethics provisions and shall not tolerate its violations. Violations must be reported to the Ethics Committee.

The Ethics Committee of Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution, the structure of which has been approved for the period of 2020–2023, consists of 7 people. They investigate reports and/or appeals about the activity of the members of the university community (administration staff, teaching staff, other staff, and students) that are contrary to the norms of academic ethics. The Ethics Committee shall not review anonymous reports.

The Ethics Committee ensures the full confidentiality of the submitted report and/or complaint about possible ethical violations and guarantees that the information about the person who submitted the report shall not be disclosed to other individuals not involved in the activities of the Ethics Committee. The recommended data must be provided when inquiring and reporting a violation to ensure accountability.

Notices and/or appeals regarding possible violations of the Code of Academic Ethics can be sent by e-mail at or submitted in a written form directly to the Sigrida Eimutė, Chair of the Ethics Committee.

More information:

The Trust Line is for reporting violations of equal opportunities, gender-based harassment, sexual harassment or persecution, and psychological violence and mobbing.

Equal opportunities – are the implementation of human rights consolidated in international human and civil rights documents and laws of the Republic of Lithuania regardless of gender, race, nationality, citizenship, language, origin, social status, religion, beliefs or opinions, age, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, religion.

Harassment – is unwanted conduct where the gender of a person is intended to offend or insult the dignity of a person and to create an intimidating, hostile, degrading, or offensive environment.

Sexual harassment – is unwanted sexual behaviour of a person, expressed through verbal, oral, written, or physical action, where such conduct is influenced by an object or effect that is detrimental to the person’s dignity, in particular by creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading or offensive environment.

Persecution – is  treating a person less favourably than others because of a report or complaint, testimony in the case of reporting about sexual harassment, participation in the investigation of (sexual) harassment.

A case of sexual harassment is characterized by:

    • the relationship of dependence and subordination between the harasser and the victim (for example, supervisor-subordinate, teacher-student, etc.);
    • abusive, offensive, degrading, and unwanted behaviour;
    • various objectionable actions in different forms of sexual harassment: verbal (suggestions, remarks, hints, conversations, jokes, discussion of sexual characteristics, body shapes, physiological functions in the presence of the person and his colleagues), physical (touching, hugging, kissing), non-verbal (sexually explicit messages, letters, videos, pictures).

Psychological violence and mobbing – relationships based on the force imbalance in the workplace, resulting in consistent long-term misconduct against an employee that impairs the other employee’s physical, social or psychological well-being, reduces productivity, and job satisfaction. A single person can use psychological violence and mobbing with collective approval or greater influence and a group of employees.

Psychological violence and mobbing are most often the results of harassment, bullying, insulting, threats, unconstructive, degrading criticism, verbal aggression, persecution, and other misconduct. Psychological violence and mobbing usually occur in more than one form of ill-treatment, mainly harassment (when repeatedly and intentionally exploited, threatened and/or humiliated, etc.) and violence (when one or more employees or managers are attacked with the intention of violating a person’s dignity and (or) create a hostile work environment).

Cases of psychological violence and mobbing in the workplace are characterized by (but not limited to):

    • threats (for example, dismissal, deterioration of working conditions, etc.);
    • underestimation of achievements (for example, criticism of an employee in the forms of humiliation and insulting because of the tasks performed);
    • defamation (for example, the dissemination of unrealistic information that may harm a person’s honour and dignity. Defamation is often intended to accuse another person of non-existent things, etc.);
    • repeated negative remarks (for example, unpleasant comments of different content, etc.);
    • ignoring (for example, isolation, separation from the team and collaborative activities, not disclosing the information, etc.);
    • manipulation (for example, inadequate workload, wage manipulation, unrealistic requirements, etc.);
    • unfounded criticism (for example, destructive criticism of an employee in the forms of humiliation and insulting because of the tasks performed);
    • sarcasm (for example, mockery, scathing irony, etc.);
    • the desire to make fun of (for example, the behaviour of an employee or group of employees when the personal and professional characteristics of another person are ridiculed, ridiculous remarks about the employee, or associative jokes create a hostile and unethical environment in which the employee feels abused, humiliated, etc.);
    • yelling (for example, communication in a raised tone, uncontrollable emotions, etc.);
    • public humiliation (for example, degrading comments to an employee, demeaning an employee, contempt, etc.).

The information received by the Trust Line is not publicly available. The data of the individuals who provided the information is confidential.

An established committee investigates reports and/or appeals of violations of equal opportunities, harassment, sexual harassment, persecution, psychological violence, and mobbing. E-mails and/or appeals can be sent to

More information: