Quality policy
The cornerstone of the quality policy at Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution is the values fostered while implementing its vision and mission statements. The comprehension of Quality is inseparable from the effective implementation of the goals set out and defined in the Strategy. These strategic objectives serve as the basis for improving all activities of Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution.
We are regularly monitoring, assessing and improving the process of studies and the activities of applied research and arts as well as trying to maintain the most favourable environment for their implementation. We are constantly promoting quality culture and strongly believe that quality depends on our professional success and the learning achievements since quality is our mutual responsibility.
Cooperation among graduates, employees and other stakeholders should be based on mutual trust. We take part in both, national and international processes and seek innovations with the view of forthcoming perspectives/needs. We always keep the society informed about our activity achievements. We work closely together as a team on a day to day basis in order to implement the virtues and goals reflected in our vision and mission statements. We strive to provide high-quality higher education focused around practical activities, the needs of the learners and the society, as well as the need to promote applied research and art activities.
Institution Review Report of Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution
Quality assurance
The internal quality assurance system at Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution has been developed since the founding of the institution. The system has been developed, implemented and continuously improved basing on the provisions of quality assurance in higher education laid down in the national legislation (the Law on Higher Education and Research and implementing legislation of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education.
Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution is following the approach that the primary responsibility for the quality of its activity lies with a higher education institution itself. This approach is firmly anchored in the Law on Higher Education and Research (2009) stipulating that higher education and research institutions shall assume the responsibility for the quality of research (artistic) activities, studies and other undertakings. They must publicly announce their quality indicators and, together with the relevant assessment institutions, foster the culture of quality in higher education and research activities (Article 46). Every higher education institution must have an internal quality assurance system based on the Provisions of quality assurance in studies of the European Higher Education Area and on the strategy of improvement of activity quality approved by the higher education institution itself. The higher education institution must also have action plans and measures to ensure the quality of higher education provided by the institution (Article 47).
In the process of creating and enhancing its internal system of quality assurance Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution is guided by the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG, 2015), highlighted in Article 46 of the Law on Higher Education and Research: “<…> Quality assurance in higher education is based on the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area. The quality of research is assured based on the provisions of European research area <…>.”
Quality assesment
The evaluation of Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution activity is being carried out within the following levels: lecturer, department, faculty, administrative unit, institution. Self-assessment is based on the collection, systematization, and analysis of valid and reliable data. The results of the self-assessment help highlight the strengths and areas for improvement, opportunities and threats, provides examples of good practice, compares individual indicators of the Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution and its departments, identifies priority quality improvement directions and develops an action plan.