Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution (HEI) representatives visited Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences (HM). During the visit, meetings were held with top-level managers of the HM institution in order to adopt good practices and discuss opportunities for cooperation, research and project activities, visit HM laboratories, and get acquainted with the activities of the SCE Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship. During the visit, Director Dr Andrius Brusokas, Vice Director for Science and Partnership Dr Mantas Dilys, Head of Unit for Applied Science and Commercialisation Dr Giedrius Gecevičius, International Partnership Development Coordinator Jolanta Valiaugienė, Dean of the Faculty of Business Dalia Ilevičienė, Dean of the Faculty of Technologies Dr Tomas Makaveckas also participated in the summit of the cooperative “Start For Future” (SFF cooperative).

SFF is one of the most dynamic and fastest-growing innovation alliances in Europe, bringing together academia, startups, industry and public organisations for transformative progress.

During the visit, Kauno kolegija HEI representatives participated in a creative workshop during which creativity methods for entrepreneurial ideas using artificial intelligence tools were presented and tested. This new knowledge and practices will be applied in Kauno kolegija HEI.