In order to foster the values of Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution (HEI) – responsibility, professionalism, openness, respect, community – we must each individually and all together create a favourable, democratic, safe, open to respect and help working and academic environment. We emphasise that dishonest and disrespectful behaviour is not acceptable at Kauno kolegija HEI, therefore, in case of intolerable actions, we encourage you to speak up and act.

Kauno kolegija HEI aims to create a safe and attractive working environment for its employees, to ensure the implementation of the policy of equal opportunities and diversity, preventing any discriminatory situations, to improve working conditions, to meet the needs of self-realisation and the desire to combine work and obligations in personal life.

We remind you that there is a Trust Line in the organisation, and reports and/or complaints about violation of equal opportunities, harassment, sexual harassment, persecution, psychological violence and mobbing are examined by a specially formed commission.

Reports and/or complaints should be sent by e-mail: You can also contact the welfare manager Smiltė Juraitė:
Pramonės av. 20, room 1-38 (Mon-Fri 9 AM to 4 PM)
Phone: + 370 647 91 881 (Mon-Fri 9 AM to 4 PM)