On 17–20 September, the 35th annual conference of the European Association for International Education (EAIE), which is considered one of the main European higher education events, is taking place in Toulouse. This year, the conference brought together more than 7,000 participants from more than 90 countries. During the event, more than 240 different sessions took place, participants could visit more than 250 stands, and more than 900 organisations presented various offers. The theme of this year’s conference is ‘En Route!’.

Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution (HEI) is represented at the conference by the Dean of the Faculty of Technologies Dr Tomas Makaveckas, Vice Dean for Studies of the Faculty of Medicine Dr Lijana Navickienė, Vice Dean for Studies of the Faculty of Arts and Education Renata Sedliorienė, Head of Study Development Unit Dr Rasa Greenspon, Head of International Relations Unit Povilas Beseckas and International Partnership Development Coordinator Jolanta Valiaugienė.

‘The conference is truly inspiring and encourages the development of cooperation and global understanding. Perhaps the most popular event of the conference was the opening plenary session. More than 4,000 participants, to the sound of the music of the local Toulouse jazz group “Lady L”, gathered in the plenary meeting space to get acquainted with the various interpretations of “En Route”,’ shares the International Partnership Development Coordinator J. Valiaugienė.

She adds that EAIE President Piet Van Hove emphasised the importance of communication and cooperation while warmly welcoming the attendees: ‘He warned the audience not to underestimate communication with strangers and urged everyone to make new acquaintances and develop partnerships during the conference. In the end, he noticed that a conversation with a stranger would be useful and could teach a lot.’

Élisabeth Moreno, a former French minister and philanthropist, delivered the keynote speech at the opening plenary session. She spoke passionately and sensitively about the importance of international education and its power to change the lives of individual people and responsibly shape society in a broad sense.

Kauno kolegija HEI aims to purposefully develop internationality, and integrate international and intercultural aspects into studies, teaching and research. This is especially relevant when preparing young people for the complex challenges of the global modern world.

‘Participation in the conference is a great opportunity to meet current partners, expand contacts and get to know potential new partners. While working at the Lithuanian stand “Study in Lithuania”, Kauno kolegija HEI was introduced not only to European countries but also to other countries in the world, such as Japan, India, Kenya, Taiwan, Mexico, etc. for representatives of higher education institutions interested in the possibility of cooperation. During the meetings, information was shared about the project of the European university alliance UNINOVIS Data for L.I.F.E., to which Kauno kolegija belongs,’ says J. Valiaugienė.

The acquired experience and knowledge will be applied in the preparation of the comprehensive internationalisation development programme of Kauno kolegija HEI according to the EMTE project “Creation of the Comprehensive Internationalisation Development Programme of Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution to become a European University of Applied Sciences”.

More information about the conference can be found here.