Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution (HEI), in cooperation with Tampere University of Applied Sciences and University College Copenhagen, is implementing the project Promotion of transprofessional trauma-informed approach (NPHE-2023/10096) of the Nordplus programme.

On November 23–24, the first meeting of project partners took place at the Tampere University of Applied Sciences, which was attended by Gabrielė Subačė, a lecturer at the Department of Rehabilitation, and Povilas Beseckas and Ilona Kupčikienė, lecturers at the Department of Social Work. During the meeting, planning of project activities and an intensive study week took place, as visits to organisations providing social and rehabilitation services to refugees, and an intensive study planned in Kauno kolegija HEI in May 2024.

The goal of the project is to familiarise the academic communities of Kauno kolegija HEI and the partners participating in the project with a trauma-sensitive approach to providing health care and social services to various clients. This year, project activities will focus on providing services to war refugees. Lecturers and students of Social Work, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy study programmes participate in the project. Activities are carried out in cooperation between representatives of different study programmes and allow for the development of an interdisciplinary approach to service provision.