Language of the conference – English. Conference will be held online, using ZOOM platform. The links will be provided in the conference program.

Other information
⇒ Presentations will be divided into sections (virtual rooms) depending on the thematic areas of the conference.
⇒ If there are few co-authors, certificates will be issued for everyone who have paid participant fee.
⇒ Information for the presenters: recommended duration of presentations up to 10 minutes.
⇒ Certificates will be issued to the speakers and listeners of the conference. Will be issued 4 hours participant certificates.
Scientific Committee
- Assist. Prof. PhD Christina Athanasopoulou (Occupational Therapy, University of West Attica, Greece)
- PhD Daiva Baltaduonienė (Occupational therapy, Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania)
- PhD Vaida Borkertienė (Physiotherapy, Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania)
- Milda Gintilienė (Medicine, Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania)
- Prof. PhD Manuel González Sánchez (Physiotherapy, University of Malaga, Spain)
- PhD Viktorija Kaktienė (Occupational therapy, Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania)
- Evelina Lamsodienė, (Occupational therapy, Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania)
- PhD Ligita Mažeikė (Physiotherapy, Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania)
- Prof. PhD Hulya Yucel (Occupational Therapy/ Physiotherapy, University of Health Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey)
- PhD Laura Žlibinaitė (Physiotherapy, Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania)
- PhD Milda Žukauskienė (Physiotherapy, Vilniaus kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania)
- Ivi Vaher (Physiotherapy, Tartu Applied Health Sciences University, Estonia)
- PhD Estíbaliz Jiménez Arberas (Occupational therapy, University of Oviedo, Spain)
- Prof. PhD Daiva Mockevičienė (Rehabilitation, Klaipėda University, Lithuania)
Organizing Committee
- Milda Gintilienė (Medicine, Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania)
- PhD Daiva Baltaduonienė (Occupational therapy, Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania)
- PhD Laura Žlibinaitė (Physiotherapy, Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania)
- PhD Ligita Mažeikė (Physiotherapy, Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania)
- PhD Viktorija Kaktienė (Occupational therapy, Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania)
- Evelina Lamsodienė, (Occupational therapy, Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania)
- Diana Nemčiauskienė (Physiotherapy, Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania)
- PhD Vaida Borkertienė (Physiotherapy, Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania)
Conference fee
Conference participant fee:
- 10 euros before 05/01/2025;
- 20 euros after 02/05/2025 to 15/05/2025.