The International Scientific-Practical Conference offers a platform for young researchers from diverse study fields to present their work, share experiences, and contribute to the ongoing discussions on quality healthcare, disease prevention, and rehabilitation.

Conference topics:

Professional and educational activities of rehabilitation specialists.

Biopsychosocial functions across different age groups.

Advanced methods and technologies in rehabilitation.

Physical activity and its impact on health.

Alternative treatment methods in healthcare.

Language of the conference – English. Conference will be held online, using ZOOM platform. The links will be provided in the conference program.

Important dates:

• By 15th May 2025 – online registration of participant here.

• By 19th May 2025 – Announcement of the conference program.

Start of the conference 1 p.m. (Vilnius time).
By 30th May 2025 – Abstract submission, information here.

Other information

⇒  Presentations will be divided into sections (virtual rooms) depending on the thematic areas of the conference.

⇒  If there are few co-authors, certificates will be issued for everyone who have paid participant fee.

⇒  Information for the presenters: recommended duration of presentations up to 10 minutes.

⇒  Certificates will be issued to the speakers and listeners of the conference. Will be issued 4 hours participant certificates.

Scientific Committee

  • Assist. Prof. PhD Christina Athanasopoulou (Occupational Therapy, University of West Attica, Greece)
  • PhD Daiva Baltaduonienė (Occupational therapy, Kauno  kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania)
  • PhD Vaida Borkertienė (Physiotherapy, Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania)
  • Milda Gintilienė (Medicine, Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania)
  • Prof. PhD Manuel González Sánchez (Physiotherapy, University of Malaga, Spain)
  • PhD Viktorija Kaktienė (Occupational therapy, Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania)
  • Evelina Lamsodienė, (Occupational therapy, Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania)
  • PhD Ligita Mažeikė (Physiotherapy, Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania)
  • Prof. PhD Hulya Yucel (Occupational Therapy/ Physiotherapy, University of Health Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey)
  • PhD Laura Žlibinaitė (Physiotherapy, Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania)
  • PhD Milda Žukauskienė (Physiotherapy, Vilniaus kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania)
  • Ivi Vaher (Physiotherapy, Tartu Applied Health Sciences University, Estonia)
  • PhD Estíbaliz Jiménez Arberas (Occupational therapy, University of Oviedo, Spain)
  • Prof. PhD Daiva Mockevičienė (Rehabilitation, Klaipėda University, Lithuania)

Organizing Committee

  • Milda Gintilienė (Medicine, Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania)
  • PhD Daiva Baltaduonienė (Occupational therapy, Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania)
  • PhD Laura Žlibinaitė (Physiotherapy, Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania)
  • PhD Ligita Mažeikė (Physiotherapy, Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania)
  • PhD Viktorija Kaktienė (Occupational therapy, Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania)
  • Evelina Lamsodienė, (Occupational therapy, Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania)
  • Diana Nemčiauskienė (Physiotherapy, Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania)
  • PhD Vaida Borkertienė (Physiotherapy, Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution, Lithuania)

Conference fee

Conference participant fee:


  • 10 euros before 05/01/2025;
  • 20 euros after 02/05/2025 to 15/05/2025.