External international evaluation of Electrical Engineering studies at Kaunas University of Applied Sciences on November 23rd, 2020

Group leader: Prof. dr. Toomas Rang


Group members:

Dr. Isabelle Avenas-Payan

Prof. dr. Marko Čepin

Dr. Rolandas Urbonas

Dr. Dainius Balbonas

Ruben Janssens (student representative)

Natalia Bogdanova


Contact person: Vytautas Čapas, vytautas.capas@go.kauko.lt, +37064816009

IT specialist: Edvinas Voveris, edvinas.voveris@go.kauko.lt, +37061256459


8:30 – Technical connection of experts to the video conferencing platform Zoom:

URL: https://zoom.us/j/97927741573?pwd=Rk40cDlZTkd2VDJJVXBmckJxRUxYZz09

Meeting ID: 979 2774 1573

Passcode: 292826

08:40 – 09:25 – Meeting with the administration

09:25 – 09:30 – Break

09:30 – 10:40 – Meeting with the self-assessment group

10:40 – 10:45 – There was a break

10:45 – 11:40 – Meeting with teachers

11:40 – 11:45 – There was a break

11:45 – 12:30 – Meeting with students

12:30 – 13:30 – Lunch break

13:30 – 14:25 – Meeting with graduates of the field of study, social partners

14:25 – 14:30 – Break

14:30 – 15:00 – Meeting with the college community group for experts to ask additional questions (as needed)

15:00 – 15:30 – Closed meeting of the expert group [merger of experts for closed meeting is organized by SKVC]

15:30 – 15:45 – Introduction to general observations during the visit