The ongoing quarantine has become a significant test for emotional well-being – significantly reduced social contacts, work from home, limited opportunities to travel and see loved ones can cause more negative emotions than usual, so it becomes important to take care not only of physical but also psychological well-being.

As psychologist Marina Guptor reveals, there is an increase in anxiety, stress, anger, sadness, and fatigue during this period. “People experience emotions such as anger, sadness, and obvious helplessness during the quarantine period. Most commonly people experience unexplained anxiety, when the reasons for it are not clear. Also, apathy often occurs after a while, when you do not want to do anything, there is a lack of motivation,” says the psychologist and adds that lately people are very lacking in live communication, longing for friends, loved ones.

M. Guptor also stresses the importance of taking care of both physical and psychological well-being. “If a person feels physical pain, he is unlikely to be satisfied and happy. Conversely, if a person feels constant stress, anxiety, the body, having exhausted its resources, will begin to signal about it. Therefore, for a person to feel good, both mental and physical health are important,” assures M. Guptor.

We encourage community members facing emotional difficulties to reach out for a confidential, free online psychologist consultation. For a consultation, please write an e-mail, indicating which time of day would be most convenient for consultation: morning (8:00–12:00), day (12:00–16:00), evening (16:00–20:00). This information will only be seen by the psychologist who will respond to the request via email and decide on the consultation time.