The first physical international partners meeting of the project “Quality of Virtual Studies” (QVS) (No. 2020-1-LT01-KA226-HE-094740) under the Erasmus + KA2 action measure took place at Savonia University of Applied Sciences in Kuopio, a small city in Finland, on October 15, 2021. The pandemic did not get in a way of gathering the partners to discuss the project activities carried out and planned, and to establish a stronger bond for cooperation. In addition, the partners were given an opportunity to look around the premises and recreation areas of the Savonia University of Applied Sciences and learn about the opportunities for students to try out technologies in various fields (virtual reality, engineering, programming, medicine, 3D printing, etc.).
The aim of the QVS project is to improve the quality of virtual studies, to develop a virtual learning environment (VL) methodology for inclusive learning, to develop the competencies of academic staff and to ensure the recognition of virtual studies. Kaunas University of Applied Sciences is the coordinator of the project and international meetings.
At the international meeting, Kaunas University of Applied Sciences was represented by the Project Office Specialist Rūta Draskinytė, who is the project administrator, and the Associate Professor of the Oral Health Department, Faculty of Medicine Rasa Tamulienė, who is the project researcher. Other participants arrived from Spain (Francisco de Vitoria University), Croatia (Zagreb School of Business) and England (School of Coding). The next meeting, if COVID-19 or other unforeseen circumstances will not stand in a way, is scheduled to take place in Madrid, in the beginning of 2022.
More information about the project can be found here. The information will also be published on the project website, which is currently under development.