Dear Researchers, let’s make applied science and the arts accessible, creative and valuable together!

We invite you to submit applications to participate in the competition “Applied Scientific Research, Experimental Development and Artistic Activities 2025”. This competition is a great opportunity to contribute to the development of applied research, experimental development (R&D) and artistic activities at the Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution (HEI) and to generate ideas of regional and national importance. It also encourages creative collaboration between the Kauno kolegija HEI’s researchers, students and social partners.

Key terms of the competition:

Outcomes to be achieved

The R&D results of the project must be as follows:

    • Novel (original), creative, uncertain, systematic, transferable and/or reproducible (according to the Frascati Manual).
    • The project must achieve at least one of the indicators specified in Annex 1, Section 3 of the competition regulations (see Annexes).

Duration of implementation

    • The maximum duration of the project is up to three years.

Priority projects

Priority will be given to:

    • interdisciplinary projects;
    • projects by research groups formed on the basis of formal research groups and sub-groups, related to the research groups/sub-groups’; action plans;
    • ongoing projects that have previously received funding and have already generated significant R&D indicators and the funding is needed to further develop the R&D output of the product generated.

Project budget

    • Funds must be budgeted for the entire duration of the project and for each calendar year separately. The project activities must be at least 30% completed in the first calendar year.
    • Salary costs cannot exceed 50% of the total project value.
    • Salaries for the activities carried out during the Project can only be paid to employees of Kauno kolegija HEI. If the Project envisages a salary for a researcher from abroad or an employee of a social partner, he must be employed at the Kauno kolegija HEI for the whole or part of the Project’s implementation period. No other form of salary expenditure is possible.
    • Salaries cannot be paid to the project participants if the activity is already planned in their activity plan.
    • Expenditure on the acquisition of scientific infrastructure and services is possible.

Who is eligible?

    • Research groups or sub-groups formed within the Kauno kolegija HEI on a formal basis or on the basis of a common operational idea.
    • Individual researchers.

Applications in English or in Lithuanian must be submitted to the Project Department until February 17, 2025 (inclusive) via the Document Management System.

For more information on the conditions and requirements of the competition, please refer to the Regulations of the competition for internal projects of applied scientific research, experimental development and art activities of Kauno kolegija HEI (see attachments).

If you have any questions, please contact:
Project Department (tel. +370 609 15033, e-mail: for advice on application preparation/submission and other administrative issues.

For advice on the content of applications and R&D activities, please contact the Department of Research Development and Commercialisation (tel. +370 618 27105, e-mail:

Documents attached to the invitation:

    1. The Regulations of the competition for internal projects of applied scientific research, experimental development and art activities of Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution (approved by the Order of the Director of Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution No 1-29 of 20 January 2025).
    2. Application form for the competition (Word format).