Field of study
Study area
Health Sciences
Study mode
Full time studies, 3,5 years (7 semesters, 210 ECTS)
Field of study
Study area
Health Sciences
Study mode
Full time studies, 3,5 years (7 semesters, 210 ECTS)
Kaunas, Lithuania
English and Lithuanian
Start date
Qualification to be Awarded
Professional Bachelor of Health Sciences
General Practice Nursing students have a lot of clinical trainings, professional internships take place in first-level practice centres, second-level hospitals, and third-level hospital departments. Students can choose part-time studies or internships under the “Erasmus+” study program in various foreign higher education institutions or medical institutions. Students have the opportunity to study and obtain a double diploma degree at XAMK University in Finland. Studies are organized by integrating various clinical disciplines, practical sessions take place in simulation classes, using acting situations, mannequins, video material, students work in groups, participate in discussions, seminars. Students gain intercultural experience by attending lectures and practical activities given by lecturers from abroad. Students can go for part-time studies and / or internship to Northen and Baltic countries, also Portugal, Spain, Belgium, Turkey, Ireland, Greece.
The aim of the study programme General Practice Nursing is to train a general practice nurse capable of delivering high-quality care across various healthcare settings and communities, catering to individuals of all ages, whether healthy, ill, or disabled, as well as their caregivers. This includes empowering patients with skills for a healthy lifestyle, applying evidence-based nursing practices, adhering to medical ethics and healthcare principles, and possessing the capacity to work both independently and collaboratively within a team.
Language of instruction: English and Lithuanian
An evaluation system utilizing a ten-point scale assesses knowledge and skills progressively throughout the semester. Various assessment methods, including tests, individual/group activities, presentations, projects, and practical assignments, contribute to gauging learning outcomes.
The final grade encompasses both the final bachelor‘s thesis and the concluding practical examination. The evaluation of the final bachelor‘s thesis and final exam summarise the general and special knowledge and skills acquired by the student to meet the qualificative requirements set for the professional bachelor’s degree.
The Nursing and Health care courses are instructed by three PhD holders and foreign language professionals who are practitioners actively enhancing their skills through international internships, engaging in global projects, conducting scientific research, presenting at international conferences, contributing articles to global scientific journals, and developing educational resources.
Moreover, general courses and those pertaining to nursing are led by practitioners from public and private sector organizations and hospitals, enriching students’ learning with their extensive expertise.
Additionally, guest lecturers from various foreign universities, spanning Greece, Latvia, Spain, Ireland, the USA, among others, further diversify and augment the expertise available at KK. Students have the opportunity to benefit from the experience and knowledge shared by these guest lecturers as part of their study program.
The curriculum focuses on assignments and collaborative tasks designed to foster problem-solving and critical thinking skills. A conducive learning setting empowers students to self-manage their studies, reflect on their actions, and stimulate creativity and innovation. The program aims to engage students actively in their learning journey, promoting discussions and dialogues between educators and learners during lectures.
Students can go for part-time studies and / or internship to Northen and Baltic countries, also Portugal, Spain, Belgium, Turkey, Ireland, Greece.
Students can participate in various international projects under Erasmus+, Nordplus and other programmes.
Students have the chance to benefit from participating in international internships, with abundant opportunities available in various countries within and outside the EU.
Students undertake internships in various types of companies: private and public hospitals and clinics, individually working doctors and nurses’ cabinets, community.
Upon graduation, individuals can produce information and communication materials both in their native language and English. With a grasp of management principles, they are equipped to seek employment in healthcare service departments of both Lithuanian and international organizations.
The continuation of studies is possible in the first or second study cycle of university studies in the field of Nursing, Ecology, Public Health, Environmental Health.
Fully equipped facilities for your studies and leisure:
Living and studying in the second biggest city of Lithuania is convenient and fun:
30 km away from SPA resort Birštonas
Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution
Pramones pr. 20, LT-50468 Kaunas, Lithuania