Course title ECTS Credits Semester Teacher Annotation
Compulsory courses
Ergonomics 3 Spring Giedrė Sasnauskienė The aim of the study subject – to introduce students with professional health‘s and ergonomic‘s concepts, main terms and  adaptation possibilities. At the end of the subject students will get knowledge and be able to evaluate body poses in work place, working environment and tools influence for human. Will be able to create prevention programs and will advise on the installation of safe workplace. 
English Language 3 Spring Violeta Kamantauskienė While studying the course, students learn to use professional terms in the foreign language and use the information sources necessary for the specialty, i.e. dictionaries, reference books, encyclopaedias, Internet websites, databases. They also develop professional language reading, listening, writing, speaking and translation skills.


Stress and coping strategies 3 Spring Dainė Krasuckienė During the course, students will get acquainted with the concept of stress and stress response mechanism, will analyze the impact of stressors on well-being and health, as well as opportunities to reduce stress through various stress prevention and coping strategies. Will develop stress coping and self regulation skills.
Courses of specialisation
Sexual Education and Family Planning 3 Spring Gerimantas Čerkauskas Students will know the main national and international health policy principles, their application in practice, will describe family planning methods, will explain to the public the damage of sexually transmitted diseases, will develop pre-parenthood (motherhood) program, and will help families to complete preparation for childbirth.
Geriatric Nursing 3 Spring Jurgita Knašienė Students will analyse anatomical, physiological and psychological characteristics of the old age people, the impact of cultural, social, economic, political and environmental factors on  the old age person’s health, will identify and assess the old age people‘s needs, choose the ways for the old age person care goal achievement and criteria for the outcome evaluation, will nurse the elderly and old age people, will be able to communicate with old age patients, their family members, and other health care professionals, to disseminate professional experience.  
Palliative and Oncological Nursing 3 Spring Jurgita Knašienė Students will know the organization order of palliative care, the principles of teamwork and team members’ activities in a palliative care team. They will understand the legal and ethical aspects of palliative care, assess and identify physiological, psychological, and spiritual needs and problems of the patient, will raise the objectives of nursing care and choose methods and tools for the implementation of care of a patient in the last stage of life, will be able to collaborate with the patient’s relatives, integrate them into the process of care.
Therapeutic Nursing 3 Spring Jurgita Knašienė Students will know the etiopathogenesis and pathogenesis of internal diseases, will analyze pathogenic action of external environmental factors, therapeutic intervention procedures and instrumental investigation types, principles of their performance techniques, objectives, rules and methods of the body’s tissue and fluid collection,  the most common symptoms of diseases and their possible complications, changes in the patient’s vital needs, will apply the quality care process in the nursing practice,  analyze and evaluate the outcomes of nursing care, nursing theories in professional practice, will communicate with patients, their family members, and other health care professionals in accordance with the ethical and deontological principles, will disseminate professional experience.
Surgical Nursing 3 Spring Viktorija Piščalkienė Students will recognize  causes of surgical diseases, clinical signs, assess the risk factors of surgical intervention, will be able to identify vital needs of patients with surgical diseases,  to prepare patients for surgery in a clinical and psychological perspective, will recognize early and late local and general postoperative complications and react to them appropriately, will assess various injuries, trauma, and perform  wound dressing, will provide first aid adequately, train and teach patients during the preoperative and postoperative period, disseminate professional expertise.
Professional Internship of General Nursing 3/6/9 Spring Edita Balašova Students will  carry out nursing actions and procedures in real practical situations: will identify self-care options of patients undergoing treatment in human health care institutions, will carry out and evaluate nursing manipulations, apply principles of asepsis and antisepsis, will prepare patients for clinical investigations, will communicate with  patients, their family members, other health care specialists, will critically analyse and systemize data of scientific literature, provide practical guidelines for nurse‘s work.
Professional Internship of Therapeutic Nursing 3/6/9 Spring Jurgita Knašienė  Students will  carry out nursing actions and procedures in real practical situations: will evaluate a person as a unique physical, psychic and social individual, will assess the most common symptoms and possible complications of the body systems, changes of the patient‘s vital needs, will apply nursing process in the nursing practice, follow requirements of hospital infection prevention, will perform nursing interventions, deal with problems of nursing management and plan stages of changes, will be able to identify and assess adverse (pathological) reactions to the prescribed treatment, evaluate the effect of treatment on patient, know how to prepare patients for various instrumental and laboratory tests, will prepare environment for diagnostic investigations, take body tissues and fluids for testing, will precisely and methodically carry out treatment and diagnostic procedures prescribed.
Professional Internship of Surgical Nursing 3/6/9 Spring Viktorija Piščalkienė Students will  carry out nursing actions and procedures in real practical situations: will evaluate a person as a unique physical, psychic and social individual, will assess the most common symptoms and possible complications of the body systems, changes of the patient‘s vital needs, will apply nursing process in the nursing practice, follow requirements of hospital infection prevention, will perform nursing interventions, deal with problems of nursing management and plan stages of changes, will be able to identify and assess adverse (pathological) reactions to the prescribed treatment, evaluate the effect of treatment on patient, know how to prepare patients for various instrumental and laboratory tests, will prepare environment for diagnostic investigations, take body tissues and fluids for testing, will precisely and methodically carry out treatment and diagnostic procedures prescribed.
Professional Internship of Children Nursing 3/6/9 Spring Edita Balašova Students will  carry out nursing actions and procedures in real practical situations: will analyse and assess physiological, anatomical, psychological features of all age children in solving nursing problems at all level human health care institutions, will choose the most appropriate model of nursing and develop individualized plan of nursing, will foster habits of healthy living among various age children, provide information and consult children of different periods of age and their relatives on the issues of  health maintenance, strengthening, performing of daily activities, medicine use, will carry out nursing manipulations and organize nursing process of all age children, will communicate with different age children and their family members, other health care professionals and will work in a team of health care specialists. 
Professional Internship of Geriatric Nursing 3/6/9 Spring Jurgita Knašienė Students will  carry out nursing actions and procedures in real practical situations: will analyse and systemize changes of vital needs in old age, choose nursing model of the elderly and old people and develop individualized plan of nursing care, will carry out nursing manipulations and organize the nursing process of the elderly and old aged patients, will encourage self-care of the elderly and the old people, preservation of self-sufficiency, will provide information and consult the elderly and old persons and their relatives on the issues of health maintenance and strengthening, carrying out daily activities, medicine use, will communicate with the elderly and old patients, their family members and other health care professionals, work in a health care specialist team, will use various sources of information, data bases, legal acts and normative documents, regulating general practice nurse‘s work and will disseminate professional experience. 
Professional Internship of  Obstetrical/Gynecological Nursing 3/6/9 Spring Gerimantas Čerkauskas Students will carry out nursing activities and procedures in real practical situations: will analyse and systemize nursing needs of pregnant women, gynaecological patients and their family members, will make a plan of nursing and obstetric care, perform nursing manipulations, organize nursing process of women in pregnancy and patients suffering from gynecological diseases, will be able to prepare instruments, equipment, environment and patients for  various diagnostic tests, communicate with pregnant women, gynecological patients, their family members and other health care professionals, will work in a team of health care specialists.
Professional Internship of Emergency Care and Intensive Nursing 3/6/9 Spring Aurelija Alčauskienė Students will  carry out nursing actions and procedures in real practical situations: will analyse and systemize data of scientific literature, provide practical guidelines for nurse‘s work, follow the nursing care regulating documents in the nursing practice, will analyse and systemize changes of vital needs in acute conditions, perform first aid and intensive care actions in all level human health care institutions, provide support in acute conditions, will communicate with patients, their family members, other health care personnel, work in a team of health care specialists.